Chapter 3: Second Friendship

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Setting: Directory Mall

Desc: The boy that Furro and F!Reader meet turns out to look exactly like F!Reader's dead brother. Although, it turns out that M!Reader has no memory of anybody who looks, acts, and is named like F!Reader. It's either he forgot or he just isn't F!Reader's brother. He is a mysterious Jade Dragon for sure.


"Greetings, I am M!Reader."

"You... You look like my dead brother..." F!Reader stares in disbelief. How could some random dragon boy look exactly like F!Reader's dead brother? And, the same name too. M!Reader has eyes that are void of emotion, F!Reader's brother was the only human to ever have such eyes. Even if light shined on them, it wouldn't change at all. "You must be mistaken, I cannot recall ever meeting you." M!Reader responds in slight confusion. F!Reader sighs deeply. "Well, how were you inside the amulet?" Furro tries to change the topic. M!Reader shifts his gaze to Furro.

"My grandfather trapped me inside it. I shot him while he had the amulet in his grasp. After I shot him, he threw the amulet at me. It absorbed me inside and I have been there for 21 years."

Furro widens his eyes and then jumps onto F!Reader. F!Reader starts to fall but M!Reader immediately catches them both. Right after, F!Reader starts yelling at Furro. "FURRO, WHAT THE-" People start crowding them because of what M!Reader looks like. People start taking pictures with flash on which makes M!Reader agitated. He teleports to... the fucking savannah. "Oh god! This is too hot! Fuck!!" Furro yells shutting his eyes tightly and tugging M!Reader.

M!Reader and F!Reader teleport to Furro's house and F!Reader sighs deeply. "Finally! We're home... Also, why the hell do you look like my brother?" F!Reader questions. Although, M!Reader doesn't respond. After a few moments, F!Reader asks again. "I asked you, why the fucking hell do you look like my brother!" Once again, M!Reader doesn't respond. "Tell me! Why do you look like my dead fucking brother!?" F!Reader starts becoming angry. M!Reader finally responds after a few more seconds.

"He was the first human that cared for me. I became friends with him, although, he died because of your grandfather. The reason I called him my grandfather was because your brother told me to. He wanted me to be his replacement until you grew up, and so, I faked 'his' death. Your grandfather... is a monster. He does not deserve remorse or kindness."

F!Reader looks down and clenches her fists. "Grandpa... he killed my brother? That old fucking hag... He faked his kindness... Wait, where's Furro?" F!Reader looks around quickly. M!Reader tries remembering and then he says, "Oh, I must have forgotten him back in the desert." "WHAT?!! GO GET HIM THEN!!!" F!Readers yells at M!Reader. M!Reader immediately disappears and reappears with a very traumatized Furro in his arms. "A fucking lion tried eating my leg," Furro jumps off M!Reader, "never do that again, PLEASE." M!Reader nods at Furro's request. "I apologize for my mistake. Would you like me to get you fresh clothing?"

Furro looks at his now ripped clothes. "Yeah," after M!Reader disappears, "I think we should get rid of him." "No way!!" F!Reader responds loudly. "And also, I have to go to my interview today in 20 minutes. You better not do anything to M!Reader. Or else." F!Reader says threateningly. She furrows her eyes and walks to her room. M!Reader reappears with a new pair of clothing. He gives it to Furro and Furro smiles slightly. "When did F!Reader get so scary??" He mutters to himself.

"She's always been like that." M!Reader says in Furro's ear.

"JESUS-" Furro jumps. M!Reader snaps his fingers and Furro is now in the clothes that M!Reader gave him. "Woah. That's cool!" Furro smiles. M!Reader doesn't really make too much of an expression. "Well, it is magic. I suppose it is 'cool'."

A!Note: M!Reader must be really old. He doesn't even know what cool means, how sad, just like Zhongli!

"Well, uhm, I best be going then!" Furro runs into his room. M!Reader seems confused but he brushes it off and teleports into F!Reader's room. F!Reader screams and throws M!Reader out her room. Furro runs out his room with a frying pan. "What happened?!" He yells looking around to see if any 'intruders' have arrived. M!Reader looks at Furro from the floor and then asks, "Why does F!Reader have big things on her chest?"

Furro freezes and drops the frying pan. "Shit." Furro scratches his head wondering how to respond to that question. "WELL..." Furro tries thinking of a lot of ways on how to say it 'innocently'. Then, he just thinks that he should straight-up say it. I mean, M!Reader would understand... right???

From inside F!Reader's room, she yells, "DON'T YOU DARE FUCKING TELL HIM." Furro jumps from the sudden yelling, so he doesn't answer and just sighs. "I can't tell you." He says to M!Reader after a few moments of wondering if he should start sulking. "Oh, alright." M!Reader responds and he gets up brushing himself off. Furro looks at M!Reader pretty intently. "Now that I look at you closely, your clothes are ripped and raggedy, aren't they. Are you even comfortable with them?"

M!Reader takes a moment to look at his clothes and then responds, "I find them to be horrendous. But, they are the only clothes I have for now." That doesn't really help make the mood too bright but let's just ignore that. "Well, I think I have a few spare clothes that'll fit you." Furro smiles brightly. It sort of sounded like M!Reader snapped his neck when he turned his head to look at Furro fairly quickly. "Ah, that is painful. But, you have spare clothes for me? It would be lovely if I could wear something else other than this." He says while rubbing his neck.

Furro looks more concerned than a mother to a rabid raccoon but he brushes it off. "Alright, come into my room." Furro says shaking his head slightly. M!Reader nods and follows Furro into his room. After M!Reader wears something more comfortable than his other clothing which had a lot of heavy jade and gold on them, he feels a lot better. "Thank you, Furro."

"Wait, I never told you my name though?"

"F!Reader yelled your name at me when I had to retrieve you from the savannah."

"Ohh, that makes sense."


Total Words: 1145

A!Note: This is an extra chapter that'll probably only happen once. Also, this must be the longest chapter I've done yet! And, I hope Furro recovers from covid and thrives once more. Well, I hope you all can subscribe to Furrosuti!! I hope you all have a lovely day or whatever it is for you. Also, you guys are needy as hell!

Question: Would you like M!Reader or F!Reader to be in a relationship with Furro, or, maybe they won't at all? I know you simps would like it but I only do what's comfortable for everybody!

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