Chapter 2: The Amulet

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Setting: Furro's house

Desc: During the story, there is going to be a mall called Directory Mall it is a made up mall created by the author of this storyline. Furro and F!Reader are getting ready to go to the mall since there is a good place to eat out and a market inside. F!Reader spends a few hours shopping for accessories and clothing. One accessory in particular caught her eye. A Jade Amulet. It looked to be a bit old but it had a shine to it that was hypnotizing and luring.


F!Reader was putting clothes on, although, she took an hour to decide what to wear. Furro was waiting for her in the living room. At the moment, Furro had on a simple outfit. A white shirt and trainers. Black trousers and a thin light blue sweater over the white shirt. Furro was sitting on the couch sitting down as if he was taking a hard shit on the toilet and he cannot get it out. Basically, he looks constipated at the moment.

"I'm ready, what do you think?"

Furro looks at F!Reader for a second and then replies, "Too extra." F!Reader was wearing a cute white dress that had a few sparkling fake diamonds on the bottom trim. And, she had on a short fluffy thin jacket. It's a bit cold outside so it makes sense to wear something to warm you up just slightly. She also had white heels on and blue rimmed white leggings. "And you're too simple!" F!Reader retaliated. Furro smirks. "Actually, I'm a tactical genius!" F!Reader rolls her eyes but smiles. "Well, 'genius', let's go already!" F!Reader grabs her purse and starts walking to the door. Furro gets up and follows F!Reader, he grabs his wallet on the way to leave the house.

As Furro starts to walk towards the driver's seat, F!Reader stops him. "Hey, I want to drive this time." Furro stands there thinking about it for a moment. "Definitely not." "I know how to drive though!" F!Reader tries persuading Furro, but it does not work. "That will not change my mind!" F!Reader groans but walks towards the passenger's seat and sits down. Furro sits in the driver's seat and starts to drive.

They arrive at Directory Mall and F!Reader spends hours shopping and then, she sees a jade amulet. It's a yin and yang circle jade with a dragon design on the front. It looks to be around 30 or 45 years old at best. "Hey! Furro, I found a cool looking necklace!" Furro walks towards the glass case that the amulet is in. "I think that's called an amulet." F!Reader looks closely at the amulet. "How do you know?" Furro points at the sticker on the glass case. "It says 'Jade Amulet'." "Oh." F!Reader covers her face in embarrassment. "Whatever! Let's just buy it..." Furro grins and nods. "How much is it?" F!Reader calls the jeweler. A few moments pass by, and then in unison, Furro and F!Reader yell, "$9,000?!" F!Reader looks at Furro really quickly and then back at the amulet. Again, she looks at Furro. "Do you have $9000?" "I mean, yes. But I'm not buying that for $9000! Especially expensive material such as jade!"

The jeweler smirks just slightly. "If I may sir, this jade is especially rare. It is top-quality jadeite which is quite rare to find. It's vivid, sleek, and translucent, magnificent commands some of the highest prices among gems in today's international market. This is also around an ounce of jade which is around $140 to $200,000 dollars. $9000 is actually quite cheap in this situation."

"No, I still don't think I'd want to buy it."

"Come on, Furro! Please? I mean, $9000 isn't THAT bad, is it?" Furro glares at F!Reader real quickly. "Nah, please. $9000 is expensive as hell." F!Reader sighs and randomly takes out $9000 dollars from her purse. "HOW THE FUCK?" Furro jumps slightly. "You don't even have a job, how the FUCK do you have $9000??" "Oh, I have more money. It's fine!" F!Reader smiles. And, Furro is over here just making theories.

"Look at the amulet! It's so cool!" Furro snaps out of his theories and looks at F!Reader. "Eh, it's not too bad I guess." F!Reader narrows her eyes and crosses her hands. "At least say something a bit more positive!" Then suddenly, the amulet glows a bright green shine. "Oh what the fuck now?!" F!Reader looks down at the amulet. F!Reader doesn't really have too much control over her emotions. And then, a boy who looks to be around 19 or 18 appears. He has dragon features but they look to be made of jade. "Woah. What the fuck." Furro says in disbelief. At least the boy has human features as well.

"Greetings, I am..."


Total Words: 826

A!Note: It's strange how I never have enough motivation to finish things lol. Well, have a good time. Also, the favor was to spend 'a bit' of Furro's money but I guess that didn't work out.

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