Chapter 6: Drunk - REVAMP

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Setting: Your mother's house. I'm joking, Furro's house. Although, Furro could be at your mother's house, chilling with her. In her bed.

Desc: The misunderstanding between Synovah, Shio, Furro, and M!Reader is still continuing. Since Furro and M!Reader are still struggling to cooperate, they keep fighting with each other. Synovah and Shio continue listening to it, hoping to find some interesting news.


Furro tries to get out of M!Reader's grasp. "How strong are you?! I know you're a dragon human or something but how are you this strong? I can't even move my hands!" Furro says, his voice loud. M!Reader doesn't respond and keeps on pinning Furro to the door. Synovah and Shio are both sitting on the couch wondering, "How long are they going to fu-" Then, someone knocks on the front door.

Shio pauses and wonders who it is. Synovah just opens the door without hesitation. F!Reader doesn't really care that a random ass eevee is in the house and she walks past Synovah. "I'm sorry, who.. are you?" F!Reader says, she smelled like alcohol. Synovah could smell how intense it was since his nose was great. Also because he's a damn furry in denial.

Synovah grins, his tooth revealed. "I'm the best person here! Kekw." "Best" person. In reality, he's the best furry. The person reading this is a furry though. F!Reader nods. "Right.. And, your name..?" Synovah was about to respond when F!Reader interrupted him saying, "Nevermind.. Don't answer me. Where's Furro?" Synovah seemed offended that she interrupted him but he ignored it. Saying, "My name is Synovah." Then, in unison Synovah and Sasha both begin by saying, "Furro and M!Reader are ta-" "Fucking." Shio looks at Synovah. "They're talking, Synovah!"

Synovah thinks about it. "Talking about fucking?" He finally says. Shio face-palms very hard. "NO." Shio feels more disappointed. "Alright alright, no need to yell! I'm just trying to make things more interesting." Synovah backs up with his pa- I mean hands up.

Shio sighs deeply. "Fine fine, just stop talking about some very impossible things! Like M!Reader and Furro fucking.. actually that might be true now that I-" Synovah shushes Shio. "Shh! The community still hasn't decided to answer Zhao's question!" Shio narrows his eyes. "I know I know! They should really answer, or the writer might just shut down the question entirely and make Furro single forever."

F!Reader is sitting on the couch wasted as hell. "Writer? That's weird.. It's not like we're in some fan- hic -fic or something.." F!Reader hiccups in the middle of her sentence. Synovah and Shio look at each other. They both mutter, "Shit, I think we're going to get in trouble when we go back." They both sigh.

Back to M!Reader and Furro, M!Reader is leaning against the door to make sure Furro doesn't leave. Furro is sitting on his bed on his phone, looking constipated once more. Furro sighs deeply, not sure what to do. He then puts his phone away.

Furro then slams his head into his pillow. "I'm going to sleep." He says, very tired. Furro hasn't gotten a wink of sleep and he has to stream tomorrow, what a day huh. M!Reader nods. "Oh, alright then, good night. Wait, is it not only 4:32 PM?"

Furro glares at M!Reader. "I'm tired, and I'm going to sleep!" Furro closes his eyes. M!Reader sighs quietly and leaves the room. He closes the door quietly, he looks into the living room and his eyes widen. Shio, Synovah and F!Reader were all huddled up in a corner sleeping. Well, Synovah was sleeping 5 inches away from them.

M!Reader's voice was soft and barely above a whisper as he says,"She's.. sleeping," his eyes trapped on the three, "It's been a long time since I've seen someone sleeping so peacefully."

M!Reader had been trapped alone in the amulet for so long, he'd forgotten what peace was like. Pain, suffering, love and peace.. It'd been a long time since he had seen it.


Total words: 661

Desc:  Honestly this one sucks either way so LMAO

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