Chapter 4: All About Synovah

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Setting: Furro's house

Desc: As M!Reader and Furro were doing 'stuff', someone... specifically a furry eevee. One with a more, 'stable' mind so to speak.


"That's not how you wear that! The pants are supposed to go on your legs, not over your head!" Furro said in disappointment. M!Reader was an interesting person, if you don't want to be harsh. "I thought humans wore clothes like this." "No.. that's not-" Let's just say they had a great conversation while you all were waiting for the next chapter!

Synovah breaks through Furro's window. "AH-" Furro and Synovah scream. Synovah drops down onto M!Reader. Synovah and M!Reader immediately get off each other. "Well, hello! I'm Synovah, a professional eevee! Also, I think your window is broken." Synovah says pretty monotone. Furro's furry femboy claws are out and his tail is all the way up. "Yeah, you broke it." Furro says his claws retracting back into his fingers. "No, I didn't! Sasha did!" Synovah smiles while pointing to the broken window.

"Sasha? As in Shiounai, a viewer that simps for me?"

Synovah nods and starts walking towards the door. "Yup! Sasha's very nice! And also the mastermind behind this all!" Furro and M!Reader just stare at Synovah and then sigh. "Well, I wonder what they're doing here. And also, are they going to pay for my window?!" Furro whines, just slightly. "It might be a coincidence, albeit 'Synovah' came after F!Reader left for work." M!Reader says all serious and all that shit.

"More likely a coincidence." Furro responds. "You are right, it is not correct for me to assume." M!Reader says, his very good boy vibes are immensely surrounding my head. "Damn, you are a very good boy." Furro mutters to himself. "What did you say? I could not hear you." M!Reader says getting closer to Furro. "Nothing, ignore that."

M!Reader nods and backs away. M!Reader is 8'8 and Furro is somewhere around 6 ft. (At least that's what Furro said.) "So, why're you here, Synovah?" Furro says shaking his head. "Oh, well, Sasha said to get something that says... oh! That thing right there, that's the thing that he wanted!" Synovah says pointing to a bucket. Furro looks at the bucket for a few seconds. And when he looks back to where Synovah is, he's gone! "Oh what the fu-"

"Sh! There are children here!" Synovah says... where exactly?

Furro looks around and after a few more minutes of trying to find Synovah, M!Reader turns Furro's head up. "AH-" Furro yells. Synovah is on the ceiling... How many times is Synovah going to scare Furro? Furro finally says something after catching his robo-breath."How did you even get up there? That's literally breaking the laws of physics!" Synovah grins. "I am the laws of physics!"

The more you think about it, Synovah does do some weird things. And also pretty smart things, a long with a bit of very stupid things. A balanced individual with a weird mindset, good person! Or eevee rather. Furro is about to pass out. "I'm too sick for this, and I have a forum to complete soon! I'm just going to listen to 10 hours of cat purring." Synovah grins and splats onto the floor like slime. "OH WHAT THE-" Furro jumps onto M!Reader's head, his claws grinding into M!Reader's not surprisingly hard skull. Synovah returns to his normal form. "I can crumble like newspaper! And can splatter like paint!"

"At this point... I shouldn't be surprised." Furro says face palming.

M!Reader walks to Furro's bed and shakes his head immensely. After a few more minutes, Furro finally drops onto his bed on his 4 paws. "What was that for??" Furro asks, his hairs standing straight. "To drop you." "I know but, why?!"

"Do I have to have a reason?" M!Reader asks. "YES." Furro responds not even a second later. Synovah snaps his furry fingers. "HEY. This chapter is supposed to be about me." He huffs. "Yes yes, majestic eevee." M!Reader says somewhat sarcastically. "What am I? An old roach who doesn't know what sarcasm is??" Synovah says.. teleporting? Not even the author knows what's going on.

Synovah teleports in front of M!Reader and fucking smacks his head. "That hurt." M!Reader says in a monotone voice. All about Synovah... a fun and interesting experience.


Total words: 733

A!Note: I rushed through this, but, this was dedicated to Synovah since I had no other ideas and the only thing I was thinking of at the moment was Synovah. And Shio!

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