Chapter 9: Thank You

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Setting: Furro's Living Room

Desc: F!Reader had gone back home with Synovah and M!Reader. They had bought some things for Furro because Furro seemed extremely stressed. Shio bought things online on F!Reader's account (since F!Reader is fucking rich). But, F!Reader seems a bit stressed too. She has this problem where if some things don't go her way, she drinks liquor/alcohol.


F!Reader unlocks the door and she yells, "Hey, we're back!" F!Reader, Synovah, and M!Reader pause to see Shio and Furro watching a movie together. Shio was sitting next to Furro. They all look at each other while an awkward silence erupts. Synovah breaks the silence by saying, "Is that an action movie?" Shio quickly nods. "Yeah- it's called LifeLake!" (Trying to not copyright the channel lmao)

Synovah's ear twitches, "..LifeLake? You mean DeadPo-" F!Reader covers Synovah's mouth. "We're not going to be getting copyrighted, shut up." Synovah says in a muffled voice, "I'm going to lick your hand if you don't get it off." F!Reader immediately moves her hand and she jumps onto M!Reader. What is up with them jumping onto M!Reader? Is his head that good or something?

Synovah grins, "Does it even get copyrighted?" F!Reader freezes. "Does it?" Synovah strokes his furry beard, F!Reader strokes M!Reader's nonexistent beard. "Hmm." M!Reader looks confused while Furro just sighs. Shio is laughing because they look stupid at the moment. Furro is smiling because the people in his home are fools. It's what makes them special, to him at least.

F!Reader snaps out of it and she looks at Furro. "Furro! We got some things for you!" Furro looks at F!Reader. "Oh, I'm so surprised! Thank you guys!" F!Reader looked confused. "That doesn't sound sincere, what? Who let the cat out th- Wrong choice of words, ignore me!" F!Reader laughs awkwardly. M!Reader looks at the awkward situation.

He then says, "Let's give Furro the things we bought. And them, he'll definitely like them." Furro gets confused, "who's 'them'?" he wonders. F!Reader gets excited and then takes out what looks to be a smaller android cat. They're in the shape of a circle with cats ears and 2  side-way teardrops on both sides. The colors are blue, light blue, yellow, blue, blue and more blue.

Furro yells, "HOLY SHIT, AHH!" M!Reader, Synovah, F!Reader and Shio flinch. Furro picks up the android cat. "It's a real life Lumi!" F!Reader sighs, "scared the shit out of us, oh my god." Furro laughs. "Sorry, sorry, I just got so excited. Is Lumi going to boot up? Or turn on?" F!Reader nods. "Just put your hand over the sensor. Lumi only turns on for you."

Furro puts his hand on Lumi's back and then they turn on. "Hi, Furro! Got any donations? Or maybe your credit card?" Furro pauses. He then puts Lumi in F!Reader's hands, "return Lumi, please." Lumi and F!Reader look shocked. Lumi has a tear on their face, "nyoo!" Furro laughs.

F!Reader sighs, she puts Lumi down and she then walks into her room. Synovah looks at F!Reader's room, "what's up with her?" Furro sighs and he picks Lumi up. "She does this when she's stressed. I think it might be from her job, she got fired." Shio looks confused. "HUH? She got fired?!" Furro nods. "Yeah, didn't she tell you?" Shio, Synovah and M!Reader shake their heads.

Shio then speaks up after a moment of silence. "Well, what did she get fired for?" Furro pauses and he looks grim. "She burned a chef's hat, broke an oven, slapped the head chef, and burned the building down because of a cockroach." Lumi starts laughing hysterically. "That last part was understandable!"

Shio nods in agreement. Synovah just shrugs and says, "not really. I'd just eat the cockroach." Shio, Lumi, and Furro stare at Synovah in silence. Shio then points at Synovah. "Do we all agree that Synovah is the cock-eater?" Furro and Lumi nod in agreement. Synovah flinches at the statement.


Furro coughs and then says, "back to the issue, one of us should probably check on F!Reader." Shio nods. "Okay, but who?" And because of what Shio had said, everybody fell silent. "WHY?! WHY YOU SILENT??" Shio yells with very artistic majestic simp royal tears. 

Synovah bursts out laughing. Synovah then says, "Furro should. He's the one who knows F!Reader the most."

Furro shakes his head. "No definitely not. Every time I do that while she's like this, she either punches me out of her room or resolves to wrestling me!" Synovah starts laughing once again. Shio sighs in a cocky anime protagonist way. "Tsk tsk tsk, boys boys, let the master deal with this!" Shio walks into F!Reader's room.

Having said that, Shio was punted out of F!Reader's room. M!Reader just quietly walks into F!Reader's room while Furro and Shio try to stop M!Reader. Synovah, of course, is just sitting down on the couch while eating a bucket of barbecue chicken wings and another bucket of lemon pepper chicken wings.

M!Reader closes the door and he sits next to F!Reader. F!Reader's face is buried in her pillow. "Leave me alone, bro-.. M!Reader." M!Reader narrows his eyes. "You haven't moved on, have you?" He asks, his voice LOWER THAN NORMAL. F!Reader moves her head to look at M!Reader and she nods. M!Reader sighs. "I apologize. I can change my form if you would like." He slightly smiles.

F!Reader sighs and she covers her face with another pillow. "You don't need to. I know you're most comfortable in my brother's form." M!Reader frowns. "But are you comfortable? This is not about me, it's about you." F!Reader sits up and she looks at M!Reader with sorrow in her eyes. She slightly smiles and she looks down. "Haha, when did you ever use contractions?"

M!Reader furrows his eyebrows. "You're trying to change the topic." F!Reader sighs. "I am comfortable. I know you're not my brother, and I know you're just trying to make me feel better." M!Reader then returns to his neutral face. "Well is it working?" F!Reader looks at M!Reader and smiles gently. "Extremely. Thank you, M!Reader."

Furro and Shio are just in the living room biting their nails. In their heads, they're wondering if M!Reader might have died because he went into F!Reader's room. Synovah is just eating his buckets of chicken wings because he has nothing better to do.


Total words: 1085

A!Note: FINALLY I FINISHED THIS! There probably won't be another chapter coming out any time soon but hopefully you guys enjoyed this. I will cry if you did not, I had zero motivation in the beginning but my dumbass really thought I'd finish it in one day.

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