11 | The Desolation of Rouges

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11 | The Desolation of Rouges

11 | The Desolation of Rouges

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Krian's POV

Fire crackled around us followed by Solstice's loud cries of help. My brother and I both froze, the reality of the prophecy slowly manifesting in front of us settling in like a thick fog in a suburban village. I don't know if it was the smoke or the undeniable fate that was choking us.

Solstice's fire began to subside and her hands became free from flames. Taylor immediately grabbed a hold of her and began to drag her out of the room.

"Krian! Taylor! Oh my God!" Both of our parents screamed in horror, rushing to our side while some of the staff tried to contain the fire.

When did they arrive? I asked myself. I felt faint, my head aching and pounding. Mom tried to shake me out of my own thoughts but all I could hear were her muffled screaming.

"Krian! Krian!" Dad snapped me out to reality and he kept slapping my shoulder lightly.

"You have to get out now. Authorities are coming." Dad pulled me but the staff noticed how he tried to get me out of the burning building.

"Don't let them escape. This is arson!" One of them shouted, pointing in our direction.

"No! They didn't mean it! Please. They're in danger." Mom pleaded but she got pushed out of the crowd and the staff began to chase us.

"Mmmmm!" I tried to call for mom and the ground shook violently.

"Earthquake!" They all cried but Dad kept going out of the fire exit, our bodies crashing and bumping against multiple people who screamed for us to stop. My throat began to itch and people started to grab me. Scratches made my arms bleed slightly and it stung against my sweat.

As we were about to reach the door going to the fire exit, it was kicked by a large man with his eyes glowing the shade of orange. His breathing was heavy like he rushed to us and dad pulled me to a stop. The man looked feral but the moment he saw us, he seemed to recognize us and his demeanor changed from wild to docile.

"Who are you?!" Dad demanded with a firm tone. I could hear footsteps coming to us. Turning around, I saw my brother carrying an unconscious Solstice who's wrapped in a white damp clothing.

"Those are my friends, dad. That's Lucas. They're here to help." Taylor huffed out a breath, adjusting Solstice in his arms. Dad only nodded at them before his hold on me tightened. I turned around waiting for mom to follow but all I could hear was fists pounding at the metallic door upstairs.

"Mom can't follow us. There's too many of them. She's holding them off." Taylor explained with sorrow and dad let out a breath of frustration before he looked at me.

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