Chapter 3: Tales to unwind

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Jamie smiled and said, "You don't have to be embarrassed about me knowing that stuff...I am your husband". She still didn't say anything which caused Jamie to sigh before saying "If it makes you feel better, sometimes I have conversations with the pictures of you on my desk...and sometimes I pretend like they're talking back to me". Marsha tried to hold in her laughter but failed as Jamie now began to blush hard. Once she calmed down she smiled and said "It's funny but cute". Jamie fake-laughed before saying "Maybe don't tell the guys" and she giggled and said, "I'll think about it".

A few minutes later, they finally arrived at their next destination, a skating rink. After getting out of the car and heading inside, Marsha blushed and said "W-what are we here for?" and Jamie said, "I figured you never got to experience skating or the idea of randomly having a slow dance for couples afterward, so here we are". Marsha hugged him tightly and said," It's perfect and plain...I was expecting you to go overboard". He smiled and said, "I might be clueless at times but I do remember everything my wife confessed to me after I saved her that college night". He continued and said, "It might've been awful for you but over the months that followed, It's become the best night of my life because it was the day my soon-to-be wife finally opened up to me and told me she loved me".

He smiled and said "I was scared that all the misconceptions I had about you were actually true, but when you opened up to me, I kind of felt relieved that maybe these feelings were worth it and I should pursue them and I was glad I gave us a chance". Marsha blushed before whispering into his ear "just you wait until we get home". The young couple walked in and rented a pair of skates before heading to the rink. After putting them on, Marsha took off and was way better than her husband. After going around a few times, they stopped and rested as Jamie frowned at her. She noticed and let out a few giggles before saying "I haven't skated but this is similar to the gymnastics my parents forced me to take one summer when I was 16".

He smiled and said "You're full of surprises aren't you?" and she giggled and said, "Maybe and Maybe not, I guess you'll have to fuck around and find out". Before he could say anything else, Marsha dragged him over to the pizzeria and ordered 1 sausage and 1 pepperoni pizza, and sat down at a nearby table. Jamie said, "C'mon I was supposed to pay for the food...I am the one hosting this date night". Marsha frowned and said, "What are you, a sexist ?...I can treat my husband and we can split expenses on a date...I've been treated like a celeb all my life, that's why for once I'm enjoying just normal things with you". Jamie blushed hard and said "I-Im sorry Marsha... it's just...I get scared that one day you'll just say "You know what I can do anything by myself, and just leave and take on the world by yourself".

Marsha's eyes opened wide and rolled her eyes before digging into the pizza without saying a word to Jamie. Just as he was getting ready to leave, Marsha grabbed his hand and said with a frown on her face "We're gonna talk about this later...I'd rather not have other people hear me bring up my personal biz". Jamie sighed and said, "Great now my wife is upset with me". Marsha grabbed the pizza and motioned for Jamie to follow as they left the rink and got into the car and drove home in silence. When they arrived home, Marsha handed him the pizza and stormed up to her office, and slammed the door. 

She was upset that her husband could even insinuate any type of scenario where she would leave him for not having done anything wrong. She stayed upset until she remembered how she had told him all these things about her wanting to be free and travel and experience new things and she also remembered her track record for getting tired of new things quickly. Even though he was in the wrong, he kinda wasn't without justification to feel that way so she decided to go talk to him and put this mess to rest. She found Jamie laying in the recliner in their bedroom; reading a book and walked over and sat in his lap.

She grabbed his book, sat it down on the end table, and looked him in the eyes before saying "I'm sorry for getting upset but I felt you were questioning my loyalty when you actually were voicing your opinion that nearly every newlyweds have during their first few years...I also understand that the things I've been saying lately have not helped either". She smiled and said "I can tell you this Jamie, I will never get tired of you or our marriage, not in a billion years. You are the very person who saved me both physically and mentally and you gave me what we have now". 

She teared up and said "Even though you did that, that's not why I love you...the reason why is no matter what I did to you, you looked at me with looked beyond my class and status and treated me like another human being when no one else dared...I could never let go of a man who showed me kindness and read my cries for help even when I did him wrong". I love you for your selflessness, your patience, compassion, and the assurance that whatever I choose to pursue or whatever I feel...there will always be someone to advise me, support me, and love me unconditionally. You think I look beautiful and you knew I had money but you didn't fall for that, you fell for who I really was and how I really acted when it was just us and you kept your eyes on those aspects of me and you still do". 

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