Chapter 19: Lou Shootout

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Marsha's father called her back 10 minutes later, with the location of the two girls which Marsha used to her advantage. She asked her father for one final favor before hanging up and taking a van that had been left on the roadside for her. Her father had tracked them down to a hotel in Virginia and noticed that it was where they were staying as their location history indicated that every night they would return there. Marsha continued driving until she reached the outskirts of the town and was transferred to a helicopter which flew her to the hotel where they were staying. As the helicopter traveled there she was given a gun holster with a gun, a bulletproof vest, and multiple clips as well as a tactical outfit to conceal it all.

The helicopter landed near the hotel and Marsha hopped the rest on foot while continuously checking the location of the two the entire time. As she reached closer to the hotel she felt this rage bubbling up inside of her as if she was going to go berserk but in truth, it was the negative energy from those two that were affecting her. Marsha headed into the entrance which surprisingly had no staff on duty and moved quickly, avoiding the elevator and instead heading up the steps while using her earpiece to check information each minute and compensate accordingly. The hotel looked rather low end if Marsha did say so herself but nevertheless, she exited the stairwell quickly and headed to the end of the hallway and followed the loud voices of the two.

The voices put rage into her heart and Marsha had every right to feel that way. These were the two girls who put her husband in the hospital, attempted to murder her friends and family, and are standing in the way of her future. She was determined more than ever to end this quickly and with no drama or snarky comments if possible. She approached the metal door, took a grenade off her belt, pulled the pin, and backed away. The grenade exploded, blasting the door into the room and throwing up smoke which was perfect for Marsha. As the smoke began to clear, the two girls were bewildered to find Marsha standing before them with two guns drawn on both of them.

Marsha smiled and said, "You can fuck with my parents, destroy our property but when you involve my Husband and my friends, you've gone too far". Marsha continued and said," The thing about you two is that you're too cocky you think you're untouchable, but I'm here to show you, you're not". They all looked at each other while gripping their guns for dear life. This standoff lasted for five minutes with no one saying a word to each other. Finally, Victoria looked at Harper who nodded before she threw her gun at Marsha which hit her in the head and momentarily distracted her. The two girls used the opportunity to flee the room and escape the hotel". The two girls attempted to flee on foot but found the hotel was surrounded on the ground and the airspace was even being patrolled so there was no way out through there.

After finally patching herself up, Marsha began to move when she heard an announcement over the PA, it was those two brats. Victoria said, "Congratulations Marsha, you finally got the upper hand, but I still won't surrender to you...let's play a game of tag...whoever gets found first dies". Harper spoke up and said, "Oh don't try to escape, all the exits are rigged with explosives and will detonate if you get too close...only one team will exit this building alive, good luck". Marsha rolled her eyes before pulling out her phone and tossing it on the floor...she wasn't gonna allow them a chance to track her. Next, Marsha called all the elevators up to the floor and pulled mattresses, chairs, and whatever she could to block the elevators from closing.

Afterward, she smashed the controls which activated the elevator's emergency lock until the system was reset. This would make sure that if those two attempted to hide on any of the floors, they would have to use the stairs. She already had a plan for that too. She went to each stairwell except one and used her grenades to burst the fire mains which sent waves of watch gushing down the stairwells rendering them unusable. She took the only stairwell left, downstairs before bursting its fire main as well. Her aim was to limit the fighting to the ground floor and corner them there and sure enough, her plan worked. Over the next hour, Marsha played a careful game of hide and seek against two girls wielding Uzi submachine guns.

The battle was now nearing a close as they were all slinking around the ballroom just beneath the tabletops. After enough waiting, Marsha flips a table over and starts shooting in every direction which Victoria returns, unknowingly giving away her location. Marsha stands up and quickly shoots Victoria in the arm and she in turn squeezes off a few shots that penetrate Marsha's vest and hit her in the side, knocking her to the floor. Victoria approaches her and prepares to put one in her head but before she pulls the trigger, A bullet pierces her through the back of the head and exits through her forehead, gushing blood everywhere.

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