Chapter 13: A Small sense of Normalcy

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Marsha called Gwen and told her everything which relieved her a lot, she also called Jamie's friends, Mike and Ferguson who had heard the news but were unable to visit Jamie due to the "authorized only list". She told them that she allow them to visit him tomorrow and allow Jamie to talk and tell his tale of what happened. After making more calls and texts, she grasped her husband's hand once more before covering herself with a blanket and gently falling asleep with a smile on her face. The next morning, Jamie woke up first; as his eyes fluttered open, he looked around and saw his wife and her hand connected to his which put a smile on the battered man's face. She was hunched over towards him and some hair had gotten into her face so he leaned over and pushed the loose strands back over to the side.

He was elated that she was still here, and even though he had seen her sleeping a million times, there was something about this moment that made it feel super special, so special in fact that he found himself crying tears of joy as if he had won a war. He continued staring at his wife for a bit and every minute he stared, made him feel stronger and he tried to get up but couldn't. Him moving was enough to gently wake Marsha up and when she did, she looked over at Jamie with a smile and said" I never doubted you for a minute my love". Jamie smiled and said, "When I look at you, I want to get up and dance...more importantly, I wanna eat!!".She giggled and said, "Let's call the nurse in and see what we can do". 

The nurse told Jamie he could eat what he wanted but unfortunately due to the damage to his legs it was unwise for him to be getting up during the first week as he was a "fall risk" and it could escalate the pain. Jamie looked a bit down but Marsha cheered him up his Favorite food some deep-dish pizza from "pizza shack". When the pizza arrived, there were several boxes, which confused Jamie so he asked her what all this was for. She smiled and said, "Your friends are on the way up and don't worry, I talked with them about not being annoying". Jamie smiled and said "You always seem to know exactly what I want" and she laughed and said, "Well duh, I'm your wife". Before she could say anything else, Mr. Blackwell, Gwen, Lila, Ferguson, and Mike walked in. 

They all stood near the door until Jamie will his mouth partially full said "Well don't just stand there, come on in friends, there plenty for all". Marsha shook her head and said please excuse my husband's caveman-like demeanor, he hasn't eaten in nearly 3 fact, this is his first day of him being fully aware and conscious".  Gwen walked over and said "I'm glad you're up" and he smiled and said " everyone but Gwen and my wife step outside for a minute, real quick". Everyone nodded and complied as Jamie stared at Gwen in a disappointed manner. He smiled and said, "Marsha told me you blamed yourself for me being here and I just wanted to tell you that it's not, whether you called me in that day or not, I would've run into that store either way".

He smiled and said, "The same thing goes for all those other times I've helped you...I never did it out of pity or obligation...I did it because I love you like family, you are still my family and always will be". Marsha nodded and said, "Same goes for me too, if you need help we'll both be here". Jamie spoke and said, "Don't feel bad for messing up, sure I yelled at you but that was so you could learn, it's really no bother doing things for my family, we all have to stumble around but some more than others and that's okay because everything I did helped you learn so that each screw up wouldn't be your last and look at you now, you've come so far and I can't to see you grow more...let go of the past and smile". 

He grabbed Gwen's hand before saying "I'd do it again all over if it came to it because as I looked at you now I still say you were worth all the trouble and I can't wait for you to go back one day and show your parent what you've accomplished without them". She teared up a bit before leaning over and giving Jamie a hug as the tears lightly rolled down her cheeks". She smiled and said "I love you brother" and he smiled and said, "I will always love you, sis". After Gwen stopped crying, Jamie called everyone back in and said "Alright everyone, grab some pizza and I'll tell you the story of how I came to land myself in this situation and Marsha will tell her side and so will Gwen, if she's comfortable doing so".

The next hour consisted of Gwen, Lila, Marsha, and Jamie telling their tales of what happened and as each person spoke, the other storyteller was surprised. By the end of it all, Jamie was touched by how hard his wife fought just to get back to him and Marsha was surprised as well as everyone else by Jamie's heroism in the face of the fire, his already severe injuries, and flying bullets".

Underneath the skin: Open WoundsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang