Chapter 23: Lilac and Fairytales

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The next few weeks went like Clockwork for Jamie and Marsha. Jamie started doing therapy again and with the help of antidepressants, he slowly began to feel more like himself again which was just in time for Marsha's big reveal. Marsha had been planning this for weeks and today was the day she would finally tell her beloved. The day started off regularly with breakfast followed by Jamie being lazy as ordered by his wife whilst she filed paperwork with Lila and Gwen assisting her. The routine day changed when she walked into the room with Jamie, whilst holding a pregnancy test". Jamie immediately slid from behind his desk to give her a kiss but paused when he noticed what was in her hand. He smiled and said is that? Are we? And Marsha nodded and said "looks like you gave me my wish right away... I'm pregnant!".

Jamie pulled her into a hug and then]a passionate kiss before pulling away and saying "I can't wait to meet them". Marsha giggled and said, "You're gonna be an amazing father". He smiled and said, "I'll stumble but I promise I'll do my best". She kissed his cheek and said, "That's all I ask". With their house now fully rebuilt, they decided to host a housewarming party and use it as an excuse to reveal to everyone that they are now pregnant. The rest of the day consisted of them calling their friends and making arrangements for the preparations. A couple of days later, Marsha and Jamie packed up their belongings and left the cottage in order to return to their home. Since they were pressed for time, Marsha asked for a helicopter to pick them up and deliver them to the house.

When they arrived, nothing looked different on the outside, you couldn't even tell that the house had ever been destroyed at all. However, on the inside, the house had been completely redesigned. Everything was still where it used to be but now the inside of their house looked like a French hotel. All throughout the house was a vibrant orange color with black and white marble floors and white rugs or white carpeting depending on the room. Marsha had grown tired of hardwood completely and it showed in her office. It was now colored pink with white furniture and a white and black paisley patterned carpet. Jamie's office stayed true to its original design with wine-red walls and oak furniture and the classic beige carpet.

The basement had also been totally redone with less office space and more of a home feeling. There were spare rooms and a massive area that became a secondary living room packed with games, consoles, and a large sectional as well as a card-playing table and a Giant television. The ceiling was even painted to look like a starry night and the stars were drawn with luminescent paint. Marsha went all out of their bedroom and this time painted it red and went with black, modern furniture as opposed to the white, rustic furniture they'd previously had. After a look out their bedroom balcony, Their tour had finally returned to where it started; the living room. Marsha smiled and said"So whaddya think?" he kissed her cheek before pulling away and saying"It's new but it still feels like home". 

She grinned and said"You haven't seen anything yet" as she grabbed his hand and drug him out to the garage where his jaw dropped". There in the garage, sat a red 1968 Camaro and A Jaguar X-J-R sedan. Jamie hugged his wife and pelted her with kisses, before dragging her over to the Camaro and finding the keys in the glovebox. He looked over to his wife who nodded and said "Take her out for a spin real quick but make it fast, our guests will be here soon". Jay smiled and said"with pleasure" as he opened the garage door and sped out of the garage and down the fairly empty country roads. Marsha watched with joy as her husband opened the car up, but made sure that he wasn't driving too rough, he was enjoying himself but Marsha still came first. 

As she looked at her husband, she smiled and thought to herself, that she hadn't seen him this full of life since before the accident and it really warmed her heart to see him beginning to feel more like himself. She felt that even tho he was alive, the accident robbed him of the person he once was and it was evident in his behavior, but slowly and surely he was learning how to cope with the memories and the feelings and enjoy his life once more and piece by piece, he was regaining the identity that he feared he lost in the accident. She was so engrossed in her thoughts that she didn't even notice them pulling back into the driveway until she felt the car stop.

Jamie got out first, opened her door, and helped her out since it sat really low and headed into the house together, only to be greeted by all of their friends. Lila glared at the two and said"It's rude to keep your guests waiting". Gwen looked at the two and noticed how messy their hair was and immediately blushed before shouting"Don't tell me you two were getting down and dirty in the garage you freaks!". Marsha giggled and said, "No, we just pulled in from testing his new 1968 Camaro".Marsha's mother blushed and said, "I hope you don't mind but we went through your house and I must say, it's a good thing this place burned down, this is way better". Marsha said"um thanks mom, before leading everyone downstairs to the basement party room.

Underneath the skin: Open WoundsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora