Chapter 18: Heated Confrontation

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Marsha had enough and decided it was time to find them and she knew they were watching. She looked at her dad and said "This ends now...they just mocked my husband and admitted to starting this whole shit". Her father said, "I was just about to tell you that but it seems they beat me to it". Marsha screamed before throwing a chair". She grabbed her father's pistol that was lying on the desk and left with a determined look on her face. Her mother looked at her dad and said "You're just gonna let her go? He smiled and said, "She's got this... there's nothing more powerful and motivating than revenge". She looked at him and said "What if she dies?" and he said, "Oh she's not, trust me she's doing all this for the sake of Jamie and their future, she's not gonna die for her sweetie".

After Marsha left the office, she headed outside into the hotel's garden and waited.  Sure enough, she heard something before someone grabbed her from behind and knocked her out". When she woke up she found herself tied to a chair staring at her two ex-best friends, Harper and Victoria. There was also another girl tied to a chair as well, and this girl was familiar to her, It was Lila but they had her mouth gagged and she looked petrified. Victoria smiled and said, "We've finally got you...tell me how it feels to be the one tied u and confined...embarrassing isn't it". Harper walked up to her and said "You really put in an effort to destroy us but what you didn't count on was that our company had the oversea assets capable of producing the funds to encourage a  certain judge to demote our sentence to light parole after 2 years". 

Victoria walked up to Marsha, pulled out a gun and raised it to her temple, and said: "You're pathetic, 2yrs later and you haven't learned shit, I mean at look at you; tied to a chair again while the same two people you tried to destroy are laughing at your incompetence". Marsha smiled and said, "You got to be pretty dumb if you think I'm scared of you...I'm not as stupid as you think". Victoria giggled and said neither are we, this time we're gonna send you where you sent us and then let you see how it feels to come home to your life being destroyed". Victoria walked over to Marsha and said "y'know, I Always thought you were kinda cute" before pulling her into a deep kiss that was forced, before pulling away and saying "too bad they're gonna probably kill you in's such a shame". 

Victoria put on gloves before pulling out a pistol and shooting Lila once in the chest and another in her left shoulder. Lila yelped in pain, which was enough to make Marsha find a quicker way to break out of that chair, which she succeeded in. As she sprang towards Victoria, she felt something stab her in the back and she fell down and lost consciousness". While she was out, Victoria took the gun and put it in Marsha's hand so her fingerprints were imprinted on it. Afterward, she grabbed the pistol by the barrel, put it in a bag, and walked off with Harper". She smiled at Harper and said," She isn't hurt in any way since the cops wouldn't believe it if she was shot too".

After a few minutes, Marsha regained consciousness and rushed over to Lila who smiled and lifted her shirt, revealing a bulletproof vest. Unfortunately, her shoulder wasn't protected and was bleeding very badly but unbeknownst to her, it saved her from Victoria shooting her somewhere more fatal. Even though Lila wasn't hurt too badly, it was still enough to make Marsha's rage boil over. She thought to herself "Just how many more people are going to get hurt because of me".She felt that since those two were her friends and she was the one that stooped to their level...that this was her mess, her responsibility and she had to clean it up before anyone else got hurt. While Marsha waited for the emergency services to arrive, she called her father and asked him to make a few calls to which he gladly agreed. 

Every since Blackwell manor was attacked, her father had been keeping close tabs on the two girls as best he could but he couldn't track their location via the chip or their IP because they were one step ahead". It wasn't until they got to Baltimore, that her father's associate had broken through the block and gained access to their location and could now track them without them knowing. He had been monitoring them since then and this was how Marsha set herself up to be kidnapped earlier and it was now gonna help her find and kill them". After watching her friend be carried away on a stretcher she resolved to herself that this ends tonight and that she would be the one to put a bullet right between both of their eyes and end this danger once and for all.     

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