Chapter 14: A growing Darkness

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Ferguson smiled and said, "Way to go, dude, I'm proud of you, you finally stopped being such a grump and instead became a hero with a tragic backstory". Jamie retorted and said "And the both of you finally stopped being such loner gamer nerds and became men who are on the way to starting families soon". Everyone even Mr. Blackwell chuckled a bit before Ferguson blushed and said" touché, anyways get well soon bro, well talk and Mike gotta get to work...we can't miss anymore". Jamie shook his head and said, "Stop staying up so late to play games you nitwits". Marsha's father pulled her out outside the room for a minute while Jamie was distracted and said "We need to talk... it's serious".

Marsha looked at him and said "What could be more serious than this?" and he said, "Blackwell Mansion was attacked last night and damaged badly, along with our house in Florida". Marsha looked at him and said "Sounds like a violent competitor" and he said, "I also received this text from an unknown number". when she looked at the text, it read: you tried to put us away forever, now it's time to end your life forever, Marsha". He continued and said "I checked the prison records, and it turns out Harper and Victoria were released two months ago...I believe these recent incidents and the store are tied to them".

Marsha sighed and said "Look you can crash at our place but be incognito...I'm gonna stay here with my husband until he's released and then we'll handle this but for now, try to find them and stay on top of this...if they wanted to strike they would've done it by now so we've got time". Mr. Blackwell nodded and they both walked back into the room. Mr. Blackwell smiled at everyone and said "I'm proud of what each and every one of you did, especially you Jamie, and don't you or Gwen worry, I've made calls and the stores staff will be on paid leave until the store is rebuilt, and with our new partner, it should be done within a month after the investigation". Marsha said, "as for you Jamie, you're on administrative leave until further notice after you vacation runs out...your boss was very proud and more than happy to compensate for your recovery".

Jamie and Gwen both smiled and said "Thank you so much" and he said, "Thank you, guys, for risking your lives for something that was well above your pay grade". After talking for a bit longer, everyone else left, leaving Jamie and his wife alone once again. Jamie looked over to his wife and said "Thanks for today sweetie, you really know how to make a man feel like he's on top of the world, despite being in the hospital". She smiled and said," I can't take all the credit for today I mean I did plan it but ultimately that's what's friends and family are for". She smiled and said "Speaking of family, your grandparents called while you were sleeping and said, "They wish you a speedy recovery and that they'll be coming to see you once they're feeling better". 

Jamie smiled before saying "let me guess it's their arthritis" and she looked at him and said "How did you know" and she says, they tend to go on about it a lot so it was a lucky guess". He grabbed Marsha's hand said "I can't wait to get back on my feet, literally" and Marsha laughed a little and said "you never can stay still anymore". He said "neither can you and she smiled and said "well...things are gonna change around the house...I talked with my father and he told me not to become like him, make time with family and enjoy our time together because we'll never get it back and for once he is right". She smiled and said "Almost losing you made me realize we both need to change, so I'm asking you to slow down and be lazy with me, we've already got a ton saved up from our 2 yrs of working...and... I wanna-". 

Jamie looked at her and said "You wanna what? Marsha looked down and blushed really hard before saying "I-I wanna start a family soon". Jamie chuckled a bit before saying "You don't gotta be embarrassed because I've been thinking about the same thing, I was gonna tell you on New years". Marsha froze for a second as if this was unreal...she got to marry the love of her life and now they'll be having a kid soon. Jamie shook his wife while asking if she was okay but the next thing he knew, she was leaning over him and they were locking lips in a sweet, passionate kiss.

The two lost track of their surroundings or rather nothing mattered except the warmth they were sharing with each other. To them, it felt like a warm spring had just come to thaw out the harsh wintery frost they had felt in their heart's wake of this disaster. Marsha's hands started to wander over her husband's body and all the bruises and cuts she felt hurt her heart. As if trying to compensate, for the pain they both felt, she increased the intensity of the kiss which felt electrifying, like the first time they kissed and neither of them wanted to stop.

Marsha pulled away for air as a thin trail of saliva stretched between their tongues as they panted with their mouths open. After catching her breath, Marsha said "I can't wait to start a family with you my love, but first, let's navigate getting you healthy and recovered first. Jamie smiled and said, "Agreed, it only gives me a reason to pusher harder to get well".

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