Chapter 24: A wondrous conclusion

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When they arrived downstairs and took a seat, Jamie and Marsha stood up with smiles and said"Since the housewarming part is over, I think it's time to show you the real reason I called all of you here today".Marsha reached into a gift bag and pulled out a medium-sized picture of an ultrasound and said"I'm pregnant". Marsha's mother screamed "Yess, grandbabies! while her father froze. Gwen grinned and said"Well Jamie, I guess you had the balls after all huh...get it". Lila grabbed her girlfriend by the ear and said, "Ugh you and these corny ass jokes".Sumire smiled and walked over to hug Marsha as well as Lizzy who began to shower her with tips they had learned from their experiences. Finally, Marsha's father came to and grabbed Jamie and pulled him outside in a semi-aggressive tone which worried Marsha. Just as she was about to follow him, her mother held her back and said"Relax, your father is just being dramatic, he literally talked to me about you getting pregnant weeks ago".

Mr. Blackwell dragged Jamie out into the driveway and sat down on the fountain. He smiled and said"I'm very proud of you son, you're taking those next big steps into adulthood...but I pulled you out here because I wanted to say"please don't be anything like me". Jay looked at him confused before he smiled and said, "you saved Marsha...had it not been for you she would've been stuck and probably died".He smiled and said"Jamie I traded my company for my family and survived only because of you, but what it you hadn't been here? Jamie shrugged and her father said, "Exactly, so please, give this child and my daughter your undivided attention and cherish them isn't everything and even though I'm passing on my company, don't work so hard". 

Jamie smiled and said, "I will...Marsha is my world and I would never put anything else above her or my child...I've been given a second chance and I plan on using every minute of it with my family". Her father smiled and said, "Good...I'll hold you to that... and thank you for giving her the happiness I failed to... I've still got a ways to go in apologizing but at least in the end, we all survived". Jamie looked at him and said"I used to hate you but slowly as I opened my eyes and got to see who you were, the more I understood that you were a man who got wrapped so deeply in his decisions that he couldn't stop and say"damn I fucked up...but here you are now, humiliated, apologetic and trying to make amends". Jamie continued and said, "you make a lot of mistakes but you're still trying to correct them and learn after finally opening your eyes, and seeing the truth... and that's all that matters and it speaks volume about who you really are". 

Mr.Blackwell laughed and said"your right kid, and thanks for helping this foolish old man fix his mistakes". Jamie smiled and said, "Family or not, that's who I am and who I'll always try to be". He smiled and said"That's good, but I think we should get back before our wives kill us" and Jamie chuckled and said, "Oh what lucky men we are...married some basketcases but they're our basketcases". As soon as they walked back into the house, their respective partner pulled them by the arm to separate ends of the house. Marsha looked at her husband and said"Are you okay?" and he smiled and said"Yes...he just thanked me for saving you and giving him a second chance...and he also said, "not to make the mistakes he has".Marsha smiled and said, "he sure has a way, I think he's been trying to live up to your strength and integrity".

She continued and said, "After that night you two first met, he started changing as if someone had finally gotten into his ear, and ever since then, he's kept trying and trying to be more supportive and understanding, and even though he won't admit it, I know it had to be healed this entire family with just who you are and I'm forever grateful". Jamie pulled her into a kiss which lasted for a bit before he finally pulled away and said"you don't owe me anything because without you I would've died in that store, or that hospital or probably killed myself".He smiled at her and said, "you helped me and reminded me of who I was and you gave me the strength to live when I didn't have to will to... a man is nothing without his family".

This time she pulled Jamie into a kiss which somehow ended up with her pinned to the living room sofa and Jamie planting kisses around her collarbone with earned light moans from her. Just as he began to unbutton her shit she sat up and said" much as I want to right now, I think we should get back to our guests". As they straightened their clothes, Marsha whispered into his ear"Don't feel sad...we'll continue where we left off tonight my love". Jamie smiled and said, "Well okay let's get this over with". The rest of the day, they played games, partied, and ate to their heart's content and when it was all over and everyone had gone home, Marsha and Jamie had their own celebration that night and tested just how durable their new bed was.

The next few months flew by with the baby shower, and Of course, they had tons of gifts and visits from family and friends and Jamie even found out Ferguson was getting married soon. After things settled a bit, Jamie and Marsha got back to work on the condition that they would be assigned office work since they were soon to be having their baby girl, "Aria", however, she would surprise them both and come early. It was moon filled night when Marsha began having major contractions which worried Jamie as it was the worst one she had ever experienced so far. Since the drive would take too long, Jamie called for a helicopter and had them both airlifted to the hospital and rushed to the maternity ward. 

Upon inspection, the doctors agreed that Marsha would indeed be having this baby tonight, so they asked for Jamie to wait outside while they prepped and dilated her. Jamie called Marsha's father and let them know the good news, as well as the rest of their friends before finally going back in and holding his wife's hands through the painful ordeal.  Marsha had Aria that night on March 18th, 5:50 AM, much to the joy of her husband. Jamie smiled at the sight of his beautiful baby girl...he couldn't believe this was actually happening. As they held the kid together, Marsha looked at her husband and said "Ready for another adventure? and he smiled at her and said, "With you, I'm ready for anything".

The end?

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