Chapter 22: Midnight Seduction

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After entering the house, Jamie and Gwen were welcomed by 4 drunken girls and a floor littered with beer and wine bottles. Upon seeing her husband, Marsha tried to get up and walk it off, only to trip and fall. He sighed and picked her up bridal style and carried her up to their bedroom. While carrying her, he said, "I'm not mad, you haven't been this drunk or drunk at all since that night you confessed to me...either way I'm glad you enjoyed yourself". After setting her down on the bed he went to go back downstairs only for his hand to be grabbed by Marsha, who was now blushing. She said "Don't leave" with a look of worry on her face". He kissed her cheek and said, "I'll be back my love, give me five minutes".

She smiled and said "Okay" and let his hand go and dimmed the lights to allow a mix of light and moonlight to fill the room. When Jamie got downstairs, he gave Gwen, Lila, and Sumire, harper, and Lizzy, their rooms since they were too drunk to go home, but he made sure to put them in the basement". After getting things situated he headed back upstairs and was shocked by the beautiful moonlight in the room. He stood there for a second before a soft gentle voice called from the bed and he walked over to answer it. He sat on his side of the bed and said "I'm back". she smiled and said "Good" before she pulled him into a series of small smooches which escalated into tongue kissing. She kisses him with a fiery passion in her heart.

Jamie immediately melted into it and began sliding his hands all over her body as they continued kissing, which earned a few moans from his wife. Eventually, she pulled away and took off her clothes, bearing everything to her husband with a smile and a glint in her eyes that told him what she wanted. After seeing his wife's form in the moonlight he had changed his mind about the moon...Marsha was as beautiful as the universe itself and nothing could ever compare to this night they were about to share. Marsha sat back down on the bed and pushed him onto his back". She straddled his lap before pulling his clothes off and saying "Thanks for the best birthday ever as thank you, I want to make the last few hours of my birthday, the best night ever".

She looked down at her husband's bruised-up body before smiling and saying "You might be bruised but you're still the same man I married and I love you no different than before the accident...these are just reminders of why I will love you forever and hold onto you and cherish you until death do us part". Jamie teared up before pulling her into a kiss. After pulling apart he said"I love you with all my heart's because of you that I'm still here, that I pulled through and got this far... you've gone above and beyond as a wife and I promise you I will always cherish you and our family for the rest of my life ". She smiled and said "good" before she pulled tugged at the hem of his boxers pulled him into a kiss. She giggled and said, "tonight I'll lead, just you enjoy and try to keep up". After having passionate sex, the two stared out at the stars and the moon, until they both fell asleep, feeling more content than they ever had in their lives.

The next morning, Marsha woke up first, showered then put on a clean tank top and shorts before heading downstairs. She had learned cooking over the last couple of years unbeknownst to her husband and this morning she got the put that in action". After a while, everyone gathered downstairs, some got some oranges from the fridge, while others sat straight at the table. After breakfast, Marsha sent them all on their way, eager to spend the rest of the day with her husband. Marsha joined her husband on the balcony and stared out at the lake with him trying not to blush which she failed at. Jamie noticed and said, "Last night was amazing, but judging by your acting now and last night I'd say you were partially wasted but not enough to impair you".

She blushed even harder and said, "Y-your right, I just wanted an excuse to be aggressive without getting embarrassed...I know I told you to get aggressive but until you fully heal, I'll take care of it". Jamie smiled and said, "I know you will but don't be afraid to act like that, I honestly found it cute to see you unhinged like that...It made the night special, it felt like we'd just been married again". Marsha smiled and said, "Well technically we are since I had to buy you and me some new rings". Jamie looked at her confused before she said "Your ring was damaged in the fire, and mines was damaged in the shootout". He smiled and said, "You're a girl with many talents...Harper told me about everything you did...I heard you let her live". She smiled and said, "Yeah well she put a bullet through Victoria's head and saved me and we talked and I came to understand the real her and we agreed to be friends again, but she's on probation until I feel I can fully trust her again".

He smiled and said, "Look at you making peace, getting into shootouts and negotiating contracts, and roughing up CEOs". She blushed and said, "Never underestimate how far a woman will go to protect her family". He teared up and said "Y-you did all that for me?" and she smiled and said, "Of course I did, I wanted us to be able to have this new start and I wanted it peaceful". He pulled her into a kiss again " I can't wait for what the future hold for us". Marsha smiled and said, "No matter what it is, I just wanna spend it with you until death do us part".

Underneath the skin: Open WoundsNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ