Chapter 1

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"Oppa!" Soo Jung practically yelled to get his attention. 

He was a little annoyed but he looked back, "Yes?"

"I was asking you if you would approve of Inspirit and a few other idols getting a NewTube account."

He thought about it for a little while, it wouldn't be bad. Fans would love the idea so he just nodded. 

Soo Jung smiled a little and started to write on her IPad. 

"What's got you so distracted?" Joon Goo raised his eyebrows up and down as he grinned. 

"It's that omega, his new secretary" Jong Gun spoke up. 

Soo Jung quickly looked up, "Wait, you're interested in someone?"

He blushed a little and glared at them, "What makes you say that?"

"You're practically giving the omega googly eyes whenever he's around" the annoying alpha smirked. 

"Who?" Soo Jung looked around discreetly or what she called discreet. 

Joon Goo pointed at Hyung Suk and she gasped. Jong Gun at least had the decency to put Joon Goo's hands down that was blatantly pointing at the oblivious omega. 

"Oppa, if you like him then you should just go for it. But if you do, you have to be more straightforward. Hyung Suk can be really naive sometimes."

"Who says I'm gonna do all of that? I don't have time for relationships…"

Despite saying this he noted what his dongsaeng said. 

"Who says it has to be romantical" Jong Gun crossed his arms and leaned onto the couch. 

Joon Goo nodded at what the promiscuous alpha said as he snickered. 

The only alpha who had the right mind gasped, "I'll kill you before you use him! Hyung Suk doesn't deserve to be treated like that!"

Soo Jung then blushed as she looked around for Hyung Suk, good thing he already left the lounge. Maybe they should have their meetings in a more secluded space from now on.

Dagyum stared at Jong Gun with a "are you serious?" face while the other just stared at him. 

"Just some advice" Jong Gun just shrugged his shoulders. 

"Well I don't need your advice. Especially from someone who's younger. Any kind of relationship is troublesome."

He tried to play it off but he could tell the others didn't believe him. Seriously, why do these kids have to be so nosy?

"Ugh, just leave him alone guys. We have to discuss business."

"You do, not us" Joon Goo tauntingly said.

Soo Jung glared at him, he was right but it kind of pissed her off.

"Daepyonim, sorry if I'm interrupting but I just wanted to ask you or your friends if you would like some cookies I made."

Lo and behold came the most prettiest omega. Well that's what he thought. 

He nodded and grabbed a cookie, "Thank you Hyung Suk."

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