Chapter 8

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It was the day of Christmas and he was excited and nervous at the same time. Everyone was going to get together since they had the day off from work.

They were going to karaoke so they could give each other their presents.

The couples were going to some other place so they could have their alone time while the others (single) were mostly going to the club or some other place until they would probavly be somewhere around 63 Square for the fireworks.

He didn't really like the idea of going to the club so he might just go to a cafe near 63 Square. It was almost going to be time for eveyone to meet up at the place so he had to get ready.

He already decided what he was going to wear since he finally stopped procrastinating and actually did what he said he would do. And thankfully he didn't have to pay the consequences of finding and outfit since he already did.

He decided on a plain white long sleeve shirt. Since he had the money, this shirt wasn't thin so it could actually keep him warm. He put on some black loose fit leggings, white and brown themed Nike shoes, and a thermal oversized fuzzy turtleneck jacket.

Obviously, he put on a light brown scarf and a bucket hat to top it all off. He looked at himself in the mirror and frowned a little.

Not the best but it could be worse I guess.

He put some gloves on and grabbed his black bag with his essentials.

He looked his phone and saw that it was nearing time and he went to go get the gifts. He put them all in gift bags so he just put his arms through them and lifted them up.

He had a lot to hold since he had a lot of friends; he didnt know if he should think it was a blessing or a curse.

Well since he was nice he would obviously think it was a blessing; much better than when he was younger and being bullied.

Finally, he put his black mask on and left. He was on the 9th floor so at least it wouldn't take too much time to get to the bus.




Oh my god....why is it so cold?!

He walked quickly as he tried to open the door of the karaoke place and thank god an upstanding civilian opened it for him.

"Thank you" he slightly bowed and made his way to the receptionist.

He told them about his room and they quickly let him make his way to it. He looked around for his room and stopped when he saw it.

Sadly the upstanding civillian wasn't here to help so he struggled to open the door until finally he did.

He walked in and everyone turned to look at him.

"Hyung Suk!" a lot of them cheered and he smiled.

"Hopefully I'm not too late but I got y'all gifts."

"Aww, thank you. What did you get me?!" Ha Nuel looked at his gifts with a childish smirk.

"I'll gladly take mine" Jin Sung searched through the gifts with a smug look.

Hyung Suk rolled his eyes, "Let me at least put them down."

After that more of his friends came to talk to him and he was slightly overwhelmed but that was just the beginning.

It was fun since everyone was singing and dancing. Some sounded nice while others, Jin Sung and sadly Vasco, sounded...ehhh

But Hyung Suk was already almost an hour into the party and he just couldn't take his mind off of Dagyum.

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