Chapter 7

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Hyung Suk groaned and put his cheek on the table. Why did everything have to be so complicated? 

He was tired and burnt out, mentally and physically. For the past few days he's been avoiding Soo Jung. Not like he really had to considering she was always busy. 

But he repeated their conversation over and over again. 

"Duh! Why do you think I told you to get close with him! Can't you even figure out your own feelings?!"

He blushed a little and bit his lips. Did he like Dagyum? Was what Soo Jung was saying was true? He looked back to all of his and Dagyum's interactions. 


"Your little ponytail is cute" Dagyum grabbed it and twirled it around his fingers. 

There was a slight blush on his face, "Thanks….I kind of let it grow for the past year….."



"I think that's an amazing idea"

He blushed, liking the way the older alpha was smiling at him. He couldn't help but leak out his scent. 

"Thank you boss. Your words are very much appreciated…"

Dagyum smiled, "And so are you."



"It was fun yesterday boss" was the first thing he said to him at the start of the day. 

Dagyum looked at him before looking away, "It was……I….need the paperwork for tomorrow."

Hyung Suk's smile almost faltered, "Oh uh…I'll go get them…."

He turned around and started walking, his smile falling. Why was his heart aching?


He frowned even more, clenching his fist. If he thought about it, he guessed his boss was very attractive…and kind and…

He bit his lip and furrowed his brows as he thought back to that embarrassing moment in Dagyum's office. 

Even if he "liked" Dagyum, there was no way he could like him back. Soo Jung was just doing some stupid plot behind their backs. 

Dagyum hasn't shown any signs that he liked him. He was just nice to him, that's it. Plus he was sure Dagyum would like someone who was on his level. 

Dating an omega who comes from a dirt poor background, fat, ugly, and even more shitty qualities would be embarrassing. 

He wasn't fit to date THE Kang Dagyum, DG, the most famous Kpop star all over the world. 

He felt a few tears sting his eyes as he felt an ache in his heart. Why was he even sad? He didn't know but he bit his lip as a few tears fell from his face. 


"You have to be the one to make the first move! Hyung Suk is hopeless and…insecure."

Jihoon furrowed his brows, "What does he have to be insecure about?"

Soo Jung pressed her lips, "He- he used to be bullied. That's all I'm saying…"

Jihoon's eyebrows furrowed even more, who could ever bully such a sweet and kind person like Hyung Suk. But then again why didn't anyone stop the bullies. He looked up at her.

Soo Jung rolled her eyes, "Oh my god no. It happened in middle school, you idiot. You really think I would've just sat there?"

He looked away from her, "Well if you weren't an idiot you would've known that I've made the first move multiple times and i've been very obvious too."

She looked at him hopelessly and rolled her eyes. "Then maybe just tell him you like him. No more of these stupid games. Even though I flat out told him about his own feelings he still denied it. Christmas is literally in two days. Make it romantic and set up a mistletoe or something."

Jihoon stared at her before sighing, "Alright, I'll tell him I like him. Just make sure none of those brats won't be in my way."

She rolled her eyes, "Yeah yeah. You're gonna owe me a lifetime of favors."

He rolled his eyes and turned his chair away from her. 

Soo Jung made an offended face and scoffed, "Talk about the sassy men pandemic…."


He walked around the streets of Seoul, neon lights shining and people walking and talking. It was snowing lightly and he shivered a little from the cold. 

He decided today was a good day to roam around the two days before Christmas. Well he wasn't technically roaming around, he was getting gifts for his friends. 

He decided to make them special instead of just money. Afterall his friends had interest and he had extra cash. 

He entered the beauty store which was his first stop for Ha Nuel. He started looking around, trying to find some recognizable brands she's talked about. 

He doesn't really know anything about makeup. Ha Nuel sometimes puts makeup on him but he's never really tried it himself. 

He hugged his clothes tighter when he noticed the people in the store. They all looked really pretty. He stopped at a mirror and took a look at himself. 

He wouldn't say he was ugly but he wouldn't say he was drop dead gorgeous too. He furrowed his brows and just shook his head and continued walking. 

He shouldn't be whining right now, he had gifts to look for. Not bitch about his appearance the nth time this day. 



And now he was holding a lot of bags in his hand but his journey wasn't done. He still had one more gift but he couldn't figure out what to give. 

He looked back to all of their conversation but he can't remember an interest of his. He couldn't buy him anything expensive because, well, he was rich beyond belief. 

But he didn't want to buy him something cheap either. He stood and looked around all of the stores trying to find one that maybe had something he was looking for. 

Would it just be better to give him money?

No, he didn't want to be heartless. Plus giving one of the richest men in South Korea money would be the biggest joke ever.

He saw a store that caught his eye or more so the banner. 

"Lonely? Come find a friend! Perfect just for you!!"

The banner had animal plushies displayed and the price wasn't that bad. He tilted his head and decided why not. His boss was a lonely alpha when he would go home. 

He started walking to the store and entered quickly. 

There were many people inside and he moved past the crowd and went to the aisles. The plushies were cute and were a little bit big. 

He stopped when he saw a cute white cat. It had big blue eyes and looked like a typical plushie, he wondered what was so special that people were lining up for them. 

He put his bags down and grabbed it, the first thing he noticed was that it was a little heavy. He looked down to the boxes and read the information. 

The plushies were apparently weighted, had a heater, and could also act like a massager. It also had an app with the plushie, kind of like a self care thingy. 

He tilted his head and stood there for a little. He joined his head and looked at the cat. 

"You're gonna be Kang Dagyum's best bud."

He put the display cat back and grabbed the box, he was going to be taking this one. Hopefully his boss would like it. 

A/N- Thanks for yalls patience guys😁 I think I'm gonna be ending this soon like only 2 more chapters tbh. I finished my first week of school and it was nice. I go back tomorrow though🥲 anyways hope yall liked this short chapter

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