Chapter 3

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He was nervous. So fucking nervous. Despite him practically smelling like Jin Sung, who offered to calm his nerves down, it wasn't helping. 

Dagyum was a few feet away from him as he watched the other get tidied up after finishing up being on a Variety Show. 

His boss finished the show coming out…..a little unscathed. Well that didn't matter because right now he was wondering how he should ask him out for lunch. 

It wouldn't be a date but still. He wondered if Dagyum would fire him for asking him. He knew that the idol didn't talk to other people nicely. He figured that Dagyum was just nice to him because he was his secretary. But even so, asking him that may cross some boundaries. 

He bit his lip and tried to contain his scent to himself, he didn't want people looking at him. He turned around as he stared at the white wall in the room. 

I should just tell him straight up… I'm gonna embarrass myself….

He was having an internal battle in his head and he wondered if maybe what Jin Sung said was true. He was gonna make a fool out of himself. 

While he was fighting his demons inside his head, he didn't notice Dagyum coming behind him. 

"Are you alright?"

He squeaked and turned around, looking up to face Dagyum. 

"Ye- yes"

Dagyum arched his brow and bent down to lean in his face. 

"I can smell you even with Jin Sung's scent on you. You sure you don't want to go home?" 

Hyung Suk blushed at how close their faces were and he slowly nodded. 

"I- I'm fine I just feel a little nervous that's all. Anyways…."

Dagyum nodded, pulling his face away and standing up straight. Hyung Suk could tell he didn't believe his lie. But right now was his chance to tell Dagyum to eat lunch with him. 

"Since you have your lunch break…..would you like to….eat…together?"

He looked down at the floor, refusing to meet the others' piercing gaze. He tried to smell the air but he couldn't pick up Dagyum's scent at all.

He felt a pat on his head and he looked up to see Dagyum smiling at him. He was smiling….at him. He blushed furiously. The idol looked nice smiling.


Hyung Suk's mouth opened a little and Dagyum started to walk away. He stood there for a few seconds before catching up to the alpha. 

"Do- do you want me to go get the food?" 

"What kind of person would I be to have a beautiful omega like you act like a servant?"

Hyung Suk processed Dagyum's words and then felt heat rushing to his face. Did his boss really just say that? 


Dagyum suddenly grabbed his arm and pulled him towards the cafeteria. 

Hyung Suk saw the way people in the PTJ building were looking at them. Managers, idols, trainees, even Hyun tilted his head at the scene as they entered the cafeteria. 

Meanwhile Jihoon didn't care at all what the others were thinking. Maybe he did get a little excited that Hyung Suk asked him out. He doesn't know what magic Soo Jung did but he'll make sure to pay her back for this. 

They both pulled up to the stand, "What do you want? I can pay for it."

Hyung Suk blushed for the nth time this evening, "W-wait! I can pay."

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