part 15

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It is going to be a nice day. 

With this thought, Claire came out of her room. She was inside her room the whole day, as usual, thinking about what her parents told her yesterday about Brandon's proposal. 

Somewhere in her heart, she was happy that a nice gentleman like him wanted to marry her. Brandon is like a dream man for any girl. He is educated, successful, caring, respects her and her family. He is handsome….that she doesn't know, because she has not seen him but her heart knows he must be a very hot and charming man. 

The way he holds her, his touch, his scent is so hot and sexy about him. Mostly his rough and hussy voice when he calls her his Sunshine. 

She was all engrossed in his thoughts when she felt her father was calling her. 

"Yes Dad". she said blinking twice to come about from her thoughts. 

"Shall we go now?" Mathew asked her, they were going out to get some medicines for Claire. Usually, Ken brought her medicines but he was on his shift and has not returned. 

So, First Lauren thought to go out but Mathew said he will go with Claire today. They can also go to the park as it was a nice day today. Claire agreed also, as she also wants to clear her mind of Brandon's thoughts. 

They were roaming around the park, Claire felt the relaxed and refreshing feeling of a smooth breeze. She heard voices of children, very chirping and innocent. His Dad made her sit on the bench, he got some juice for her also. 

"Claire, I'm happy to see this change in you," Mathew said, caressing her head. She felt his warm love. She smiled, she could easily understand what he was trying to say.

From some last days, Claire opening to them, she is being talked to, sitting with them. She is trying to be like before. She is trying to give her family what they want, what they deserve. 

This is what Brandon said to her. 

She smiled thinking about his words. She didn't want to admit it, but he is making a great effect on her. 

"And I know it's all because of Brandon. Right?" Mathew's words shocked Claire. She gulped down, shaking her head slowly. 

"There is nothing like that, Dad." She said. Mathew laughed at his daughter's antics. She can lie to herself but not to her parents. They knew her very well.

"He is a good man, he cares for you and most importantly he loves you. I have seen this in his eyes. I have seen honesty in his eyes." Mathew said, looking straight, holding her hand. 

Claire didn't say anything. She is just quiet. 

"I know why you are worried, but let me tell you, my princess, he is not Jason." He said to her. Hearing his name, her nightmare, her breath got fastened. She closed her eyes to calm her down, her hold got tight on his hand. 

"It's not about him Dad, I never loved Jason. It was a girl crush. It was his words that broke me. And moreover, he was right, I'm a burden now.." Mathew cut him in the middle.

"Don't say this, You are my princess. My daughter, who the hell Jason is?? Bradon's genuine feeling is more powerful than Jason's words." 

"And Brandon is not a teenager, he is a mature man. He understood his decisions, he loved you for years." Mathew said, making her shocked again with this newfound information.

How is this even possible?

Has he known me for years?

But how?

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