Chapter 1: Newfound Ability

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Y/N Spider-Man
- Wall-Crawling: Y/N's body can stick and unstick at will to many surfaces, allowing him to climb and stay in place if needed.
- Spider-Sense: Y/N gets a precognitive ability that warns of coming danger, though only in a general sense, as it does not indicate specifically what the danger is. It also sets off when with others who also have Spider-Sense. Y/N's will be described as a ringing sound, getting louder the closer the danger comes to harming him.
- Enhanced Physical Prowess: Y/N becomes much stronger, able to lift many times above what normal humans can lift. They also now possess enhanced speed, agility, flexibility, and reflexes.
- Healing Factor: Although not as powerful as others with a Healing Factor, Y/N can heal wounds much faster than normal.
- Toxic Excretion: Y/N can excrete venom out of the pores of his body. It holds similar properties to a Yellow Sac Spider's venom, although it is much more powerful and able to cause destructive damage to a person if exposed to moderate amounts within their body. He can also produce it and coat it onto other items. He is immune to its effects.

Scene One: The Hospital

A blinding light shined high above the darkness which surrounded Y/N. Its form growing bigger and grand, yet still enveloped in the shadows. Was this truly the end of Y/N? He heard it speak faintly, an unfamiliar language and voice, but it sounded as if it called for him. He truly focused his mind on what was being said, finally piecing together what it was trying to say.

"Y/N... Y/N... Y/N..."

Y/N's eyes shot open, jolting forward as well. His breath was ragged as he looked around, now in a new hospital gown. Slowly situating himself, he was somewhere else, in a hospital room with a single door and window. It was bland, a dull white with barely any furniture except for two chairs and the bed Y/N lay in. Looking up, the brightness was just a ceiling light above him, with the ones calling his names being there as well. Y/N's mom and dad looked at him teary-eyed for a moment as if they couldn't believe what they saw. Right after, they would rush to him, holding him as they choked up in the tears that stained both their faces. His mom was the one who took it the hardest apparently, gasping as she held Y/N tightly and crying into his shoulder.

"Oh my god, you're okay! Y-You're okay! We were so worried! We thought you'd never..." His mom said woefully, not finishing her sentence as she continued crying. Y/N could only look confused as he looked at his dad. Although he had outlines of tears, he had only a frown of sadness. What did she mean? Wasn't it only a minute over there? Clueless, Y/N mouth moved trying to find the right words, speaking with a questioning tone.

"Never what? Hasn't it only been a minute? I swear I was underground... with labs and that I was up-"
Y/N was quickly cut off by his dad, who cleared his throat as he looked at him sternly.

"No. You were in an accident. A car hit you while you tried to cross the street. It was nasty, you were sent flying into another car before falling back down onto the road." He said, to Y/N's confusion.

"That's not... no, I was under a skyscraper, in a white lab. You took me there Dad. What are you talking about?"

"What are you talking about Y/N? What lab? There was nothing but you crossing the street. I was at work when you were hit. You must be imagining a scenario while you were under..."

"I swear, I was... wait how long has it been? What do you mean I was under? Mom, Dad, how long have I been unconscious?"

Following Y/N's question, the room's door would creak open, as a doctor and nurse came into the room. He would be carrying a clipboard, and he looked like he meant business. The nurse looked much more approachable, though still held a face of professionalism.

Uh Oh, Spiders! - a Peni Parker X Male Reader fanfic 🕷️Where stories live. Discover now