Chapter 11: Overdue Return

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In a hidden boardroom high above the bustling streets of New York City, six men would gather into the room one by one. Their shapes were vasty different, their differing methods wildly varied and dissimilar, yet they stood together. This sinister alliance gathered to discuss a matter of utmost importance - the return of a formidable foe, Spider-Man. Reports had reached their ears from the media, signaling the resurgence of the masked hero who threatened to disrupt their plans once again. Information of the new Spider-Men troubled them, but they were determined to eliminate this newfound threat. With a paging of the phones, they would enlist a group of highly skilled and lethal hitmen to hunt and take him captive.

The boardroom, veiled in shadows and adorned with luxurious but menacing decor of animal pelts, fine alcohol, and exotic weaponry and trinkets, set the stage for their clandestine meeting. A long, imposing table commanded the center of the room, around which the members gathered. Each member possessed their own unique abilities, gang, and dark reputation, making them a force to be reckoned with.

The Wings Of Death, VULTURE;

The Raging Storm, ELECTRO;

The Master Of The Hunt, KRAVEN;

The Phantom Of Illusions, MYSTERIO;

The Eight Armed Power, DOC OCK;

and The Burial Of Man, SANDMAN.

Together, they formed the unholy alliance of

The Sinister Six.

With a single objective - to eradicate opposition and ensure their criminal reign goes unchallenged.

As the Sinister Six convened, tension filled the air, crackling with the electric anticipation of their diabolical plan. Their collective focus centered on the emerging Spider-Man, a return of a persistent thorn in their side. They analyzed their recent moves, seeking weaknesses to exploit and devising strategies to neutralize his powers. The one they would settle on was what seemed to be the youngest and most inexperienced one. In fact, his movements were public as they spoke. Their discussion echoed with the chilling echoes of whispered threats and malevolent laughter.

As the meeting drew to a close, a malevolent sense of anticipation filled the room. The Sinister Six, united in their malefic intent, departed the boardroom, ready to set their grand plan into motion. The city trembled beneath their collective presence, unaware of the web of villainy being woven high above its streets. The Vulture would stand, alongside the others, and would clear his throat, hacking due to age, yet still emitting an aura that made him leader of the Six.

"May I also give thanks to our sponsor. A businessman that sees the benefits in investing in our mighty fine ways of transactions, and for the long term too, might I add? Shall we give applaud to Mister Norman Osborn!"

The Sinister Six, backed by the pockets and experimental power of Norman Osborn, prepared to unleash a storm of darkness upon the city, vowing to make any heroic efforts a mere memory in the annals of their wicked reign.

Scene 1: NYPD Station

"Constant stares... clicks... must be how Hollywood Peeps feel..."

Y/N carefully made his way through the bustling city streets, bearing the weight of the unconscious Cleavon in their arms. He had a lot to unpack. What was the information they needed from Cleavon? Did they get enough? Why did he shoot acid from his hands and it worked? What also occurred was the discussion of who would turn in Cleavon to the police. After an apprehensive response from the others, Y/N simply got up and braved through the injuries to drop Cleavon off. Despite much protest from Cindy and Peni, he was eventually let go while still advised to wear the mask.

As he walked, a growing crowd of onlookers gathered around him. Cell phones were raised, capturing the extraordinary sight before their eyes. Murmurs and whispers filled the air as speculation and curiosity swirled among the spectators.

With a determined stride, Y/N pushed through the throng of people, his focus unwavering. Cameras flashed, capturing this real-life vigilante moment that would soon find its way into the annals of social media. As he reached the steps of the police station, a wave of relief soon washed over Y/N. The crowd, still abuzz with excitement and curiosity, followed closely, hungry for more information. Reporters emerged, microphones in hand, as a small impromptu interview session began to take shape.

Y/N now found himself at the center of attention, his actions capturing the public's imagination. The crowd hushed, eager to hear his story. Microphones were extended, questions were fired rapidly, and Y/N, taken aback by the sudden spotlight, composed himself slightly and addressed the eager crowd. He was indeed back to serve as the city's protector, a successor to the one long gone.

In the midst of the flashing cameras and expectant faces, Y/N recounted the events that led him to confront Cleavon. He did an on the spot PSA about the need to take a stand against crime, emphasizing the importance of community safety and the responsibility each individual held in upholding justice. His words resonated with the crowd, who listened intently, captivated by the bravery and conviction in Y/N's voice. Personally, Y/N felt a bit frightened that he might come off as sounding too young and uptight. Still, he persisted.

Question after question came, and Y/N, despite the weight of the moment, answered with poise and sincerity. He expressed his hope for a safer city with his arrival, and simply betterment for all. His words, laced with a juvenile and sincere passion, struck a chord with the listeners, who felt empowered by Y/N's courage.

As the impromptu interview slowly concluded, the crowd erupted into applause, recognizing the heroism and selflessness exhibited by Y/N. Handshakes were offered, pats on the back given, and pictures taken. Finally, Spider-Man is back in the spotlight of New York once again!

Leaving the scene, Y/N carried with him a renewed sense of purpose. The images and videos captured by the onlookers would forever memorialize this pivotal moment, a testament to the power of ordinary individuals rising above the ordinary. As he walked back, the crowd's applause still ringing in their ears, Y/N knew that his actions had touched the hearts and minds of many, fueling the hope for a brighter future. He would begin to take a busier route through the city itself, planning to spread his reveal further and announce his presence.

Author's Note: Hey guys, Fallout speaking. Sorry for this one sounding moreso like filler rather than an actual good chapter. I felt a bit tired writing daily plus formatting the next arcs and all, but I come back, hopefully didn't keep ya'll waiting. So thank you for sticking around, love you guys.

Uh Oh, Spiders! - a Peni Parker X Male Reader fanfic 🕷️Where stories live. Discover now