Chapter 5: Silly Shenanigans

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Scene One: Streets Of New York

Y/N had a period with the Spider-Team where he got to know the other two better. The big man had no name, but went by the nickname Spider-Manly. Y/N took note to just call him Manly. He was just as intense and cool as Y/N expected from his looks, but he also was an adept writer and speaker, noting from the other two that despite having to learn English and Writing when he was inducted into the Spider-Society, he already had two books out that were pretty good.

The other woman was Cindy Moon, or Silk. She was a professional and by-the-books, and throughout meeting her, she lectured Y/N on basic concepts of being a Spider-Man, such as having to fight for the people, that you will have a Rogue Gallery of villains to fight constantly, and that you'll have to do things you've never done before, and that you can't save everyone. It was initially a lot to take in, but with help from all three to elaborate, the information would be a lot easier to swallow.

Besides that, the only thing he wasn't told too much about was the Spider-Society itself. From what he was told, they were simply a group of Spider-People across dimensions sent to help if needed. Other than being told that their watches were used to communicate between them, that was it. They were a bit constrained to reveal more when Y/N asked, so he just put it aside. Regarding their mission on this Earth, they were sent to stake out and eventually take out what they called a "Anomaly," which was just an out of place subject that now was in his Earth. This one was dangerous and apparently took over the criminal world, though the true identity is still at large. After that, they would send him off home, saying that tomorrow night would come his first actual day of physical training and even web slinging. That was an interest he had when hearing the beginning prospect of being Spider-Man. Sheer hype and excitement filled him to his core while he got up from his chair, his wounds healed just like Peni predicted.

Being led out of the warehouse, he turned one more time at the three simply looking out towards him. Dawn set in over New York, and the darkness of the tight streets masked the three. Only mere silhouettes were seen in that warehouse, and it was terrifying to say the least. Y/N simply waved at them as he left, and only one would wave back with excitement, Peni. It was amusing and heartwarming to see, though what was not was his parent's reaction when he realized it had been hours. He realized that he had spent the entire afternoon just doing his talks and meetings with his new friends. Weariness and panic weighed upon him, and he kept thinking about excuses and things to say to his family.

He knew he had to come up with an explanation, something that would quell their worries.

He would end up finally in front of their apartment door, staring at it like a gate to a guaranteed disaster. "You got this Y/N, in and out. Just speak..." Taking a deep breath, Y/N slowly entered the apartment with his key trying to slowly make no noise. After he carefully closed the door behind him, Y/N thought he was in the clear, and let his guard down. He headed to his room past the kitchen where his parents would indeed waited, their faces etched with a mix of relief and frustration. Although Y/N anticipated a yelling while he would just stand there awkwardly, they instead enveloped him in a tight embrace, questioning him about his whereabouts throughout the night.

Y/N met their worried gazes and muttered, "I'm sorry, Mom, Dad. I lost track of time while hanging out with my friends. I was at Jonathan's house house, and then I started talking to a girl, and it kind of escalated there."

His parents exchanged glances, their expressions softening slightly with even his father looking a bit pleased. They were relieved that he was safe for a good reason, but concern still flickered in their eyes. Y/N's mom spoke with a gentle tone, "Y/N, we were worried sick about you. It's important to let us know if you're going to be out late all the time. We care about your safety, and we don't want you being hurt again. I don't want what happened last time to happen again ever."

Uh Oh, Spiders! - a Peni Parker X Male Reader fanfic 🕷️Where stories live. Discover now