Chapter 7: Training Montage

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Scene One: Streets Of New York

It would be Y/N who pulled away guiltily from their touch, slowly putting it to his sides. Peni would not say anything else and brought her hands close in front of her lap. What came of her usual cheery voice instead came a sigh, simply thinking about her next words.

"You're right, I think we're really speeding through this. Maybe we just need a few more days to make sure if..."
Peni didn't finish her words, simply letting their minds fill in the blank. Y/N nodded, standing up and offering his hand to pull Peni up, to which she took it gratefully.

"Yeah... you know, it may just be the moment that's making us talk and act like this... or maybe you're just hungry for more pizza."
Y/N joked as they began walking to base, to which Peni tried to hide a laugh, though it was simply impossible. Leaving their tenderness and passion on the back burner, the two would once again act like the best of friends. Although their current situation allowed the feeling to be forgotten for a moment, it always will come back.

Scene Two: Super Secret Spider Base

Faint chatter was heard outside the warehouse's thin sheet metal doors before they slowly slid open. Peni and Y/N stepped in, meeting with Cindy and Manly in the base currently conversing over something before coming to Y/N.

"At least you two came on time. Peni, you and SP//DR are with us. We shall begin training, then we have a mission to do. We got a lead."

"Me? A mission? Already? Are you sure that's safe?" Y/N asked cautiously. Peni would hop to Manly and Cindy, facing Y/N with a smile as all three seemed perfectly fine in sending him out.

"Of course. These guys are simply cogs, jobbers. You got this. You'll be with Manly on this one, as he'll teach you techniques and tricks while developing field experience."

Manly simply nodded in agreement, and they would all go to a room set up with training in mind. It had a lot, most notably punching bags and... a state-of-the-art weight set? How'd they manage to get those into here? Anyways, Y/N, Manly, Cindy, Peni, and the SP//DR suit assembled in a makeshift training room. The room's dim ceiling light hummed with anticipation, emanating an atmosphere of dedication and purpose. It was here that Y/N would undergo his intensive training regimen to be an effective Spider-Man.

The training commenced with Spider-Manly leading the way, showcasing his expertise in hand-to-hand combat. His movements were a fusion of power and finesse, each strike executed with precision. Y/N watched with dedication, absorbing every technique and mirroring the motions, with SP//DR holding the bag back for Y/N to hit. He was constantly coached and told information to soak in by Manly, who was a surprisingly effective trainer for Y/N, often stepping in to show ways he could have executed a move better or how to handle a specific one better.

In parallel, Manly guided Y/N through rigorous strength training. With a focus on building raw power and resilience, they delved into weightlifting sessions that tested Y/N's limits. Manly, known for his immense strength, pushed weights with ease and told Y/N to do so as well. He would keep up on top of Y/N, spotting him and urging them to surpass their previous boundaries. Even Cindy, Peni, and SP//DR encouraged his training there, constantly cheering him and clapping and just being there for him. With every hour going into the night, he broke PR after PR with encouragement and a little of that Spider-Strength to assist. With each repetition, Y/N's muscles strained and quivered, but they persevered, driven by the desire to unlock their full potential.

Uh Oh, Spiders! - a Peni Parker X Male Reader fanfic 🕷️Where stories live. Discover now