A lost Star tries to rescue the Moon

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AN- if you like this story please be sure to give it an upvote it helps motivate me.

"What the hell are you doing?" I hissed to the black dragon, who was laying on a large flat rock near a human's bed. The home was wooden with drapes of cloth making up some of the walls. Fake night fury tail fins hung on the wall just beneath a small chest. The cold night air blew in from behind me ruffling my short white hair. My face was drenched in shadows, making my hair stand out more than it already did.

"Astra!" The dragon hissed back. "How did you get here! And WHY are you here?" He lifted his head, black scaled glittering in the moonlight.

"Just saving your dragon ass." I said, rolling my purpley snakelike eyes. I pulled my cloak up tighter, the night was cold. Unnervingly similar to the night I lost him..

"In lycanwing form? Of all the idiotic things you've done!" He yelped. My pale white wings shifted closer to my body, showing how uncomfortable with the situation I was. I swished my tail and grasped at nothing with my hands.

"I was expecting more of a reunion, I mean I haven't seen you in years. And anyway, I know that it was a bad idea, but I had to come rescue you from these.. these HUMANS!" I spat, wings spread open in frustration.

"I can't even believe you let yourself get captured. Do you even know how worried mom was? When you didn't come home. Not a month later she got captured, looking for you." I lifted my lip bearing my fangs.


"And what do you have to show for it? Being fed by humans, living it up the easy way? Did you even stop to THINK about how I was doing? I thought you were DEAD!" I stopped, noticing the saddle on him. Wires strung down, following them I saw his tail. I paced over to him, seeing that one of his fins was full on missing. I gasped. "What did they do to you?!" I lifted up his tail, spreading out the fake fin.

"Nothing." He snapped and whipped his tail closer to himself. I let out a sigh.

"Com'on, get your lazy dragon butt up." I snapped half jokingly.

I heard a shuffle near Nyx's rock where he was laying. A fairly small human boy lifted himself into an upright position, rubbing his eyes and blinking. He stared at me for a moment that felt like an eternity. I folded my wings in close, swished my tail behind me and pressed my frills closer to my head, hiding them in my hair.

"Who are you?" He mumbled in fascination, nearly above a whisper, eyes watching me. Then as if snapping from a trance he shook his head, hair flying out of his eyes and demanded to know who I was.

He was skinny and when he got up out of his bed I spotted his missing leg. "And what are you doing with my dragon!" His nose crinkled up in anger, his feet poised to strike. I glared at him, arms hanging at my side. I chuckled.

"Your Dragon?" I bellowed. Using everything in my power not to spread open my wings in anger. I turned to Nyx, "I'm going to kill 'em." I rushed forward but the night furry stood in front of me and him, blocking both our paths. He looked at the boy, and some expression passed in between them that I didn't get to see.

"Move dragon!" I snapped, "He was the one who shot down and trapped you here!" Tears welled in my eyes, making them glossy and shiny. "He took you away from me.."

"Get away from Toothless." He said slowly, his words laced with what was almost a dragon-like growl.
"Toothless? Really." I scoffed. He reached down, and from below his bed picked up a sword. He shifted the weight in his hand before he held it.

"Like a sword is going to stop me." I chuckled. A bright flash of light and the sword was ignited and on fire. The flames licked across the medal base, the smell of monsters nightmare jell was apparent, but a certainly fascinating contraption. I stared at the gorgeous flames transfixed, my eyes dilated. I shook off the trance and spit several insults at the boy, white teeth gleaming.

The fire reflected off both our faces, illuminating them in a flickering golden light that did little to distinguish our features.

"Get out of here." Nyx, who the boy referred to as Toothless, told me in draconic. "I'll distract him, you go."

"I am NOT leaving you alone with this maniac!" I told him. Any sternness or threatening tone flying out the window as my desperation became apparent. "It's been 3 years since I lost you." He growled, deep in his throat. I knew it was fake, but the rejection hit just as hard. My own brother. "Fine."

I ran out of there, tail whipping behind me. I heard the strange boy tell Nyx to move. I slipped down the staircase and hid just underneath the elaborate pathways weaving throughout their camp. I heard the boys distant yell holler

"Team! Wake up! We have a dragon thief!" I panicked for a moment, thinking they might find me and force me to fly them too, but I was a master at staying hidden, I had done it all my life.

Then when they left his hut I heard him ask: "Why did you protect them Toothless? Who were they?"

The dance of the moon and stars (M/c x snotlout)Where stories live. Discover now