A Stars sacrifice for the freedom of the Moon

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The only thing I could hear as I ran down the hall was my heavy breathing and uneven gait of my boots hitting the floor, trying to make the periods of time on my bad leg as short as possible. My wings were spread out for balance, and helped propel me forwards.

The hallway seemed shorter than when I last walked down it with Viggo. But darker and less certain. I was worried I had the wrong hall until I reached the large ornate door. I felt briefly over the rough texture of jewels while I listened inside.

Making sure no one was in it, I pushed the door open, which was surprisingly heavy. The room felt nicer without Viggo in it, lighter, more airy. You would never know it belonged to one of the greatest dragon hunters in the archipelago by looking at it.

Maps were spread across the walls, sketches and notes covered most. On further inspection books filled most drawers too. Books with beautiful graphics of all types of dragons spread across the pages, spiraling horns and flames inked with expensive quills and careful hands. There were books bound shut with gold locks keeping the covers together, books with titles of stories long forgotten by most.

One stood out to me. The title of a story my parents had recited to me many times: "Tales of the Seafire,
Dragon lore and the origin of our kin"

I squinted at the name etched into the leather bound cover- That's a dragon's name... I picked it up, turning over the hearty book in my hands. I flipped through the pages, the dusty smell of books filled my nostrils and I took a deep breath.

This was the same story our parents had told us.

I tucked it away and found a drawer with the keys in it. Finally remembering what I came here for I scooped up the keys. It was easy to find the right loop of keys because the wing clamp key was different from the others; kind of like a pin. I stumbled back down the hallway as quickly as I possibly could, trying to put the pain in my leg out of mind.

"I have the keys!" I tossed the keys up to Hiccup, who caught them nicely. He leaned over Nyx and quickly slid the strange key into the keyhole and turned it. The medal clamps clattered to the floor. Stormfly jumped away with a squawk then hopped forwards to sniff the object.

Even though it gave me relief to see them freed from their shackles, I just couldn't feel safe until I was in the sky. I was really itching to feel the wind brushing against my scales and the sea spray in my face.

They passed around the keys while I made my way to the only exit, climbed up the stairs and shoved open the doors. The dragons dashed out past me, quickly spreading their wings and taking off into the sky. I heard hollers from the men aboard the ship. I limped out and spread open my wings, feeling a great load of anxiety leave my chest, like I had taken a breath of fresh air after being underwater for way too long.

I saw Viggo turn away from a man he was talking to and he locked eyes with me. An eerie chill fell over me and my wings drooped.

"Astra!" Hiccup called, a muffled voice. Like the ones in the back of my head;
'Kill. Kill them. Humans are bad... terrible creatures.' I shook my head, my eyes shrinking to slits. No! Humans are not all like that. My primal instinct was to fly away as fast as I could, to run from this man who killed many like me.

I opened my wings, taking in a deep breath to attempt to clear my mind.

"Weapons ready!" Viggo hollered; Loud and serious and strong. I ran, shifting into my dragon form and kicked off from the ground. I spun up into the air. Glittering scales flashed and all eyes were on me, including all arrows.. and bolas and ballistas.

I flapped higher, rising next to the dragon riders.

"All weapons on those night furies!" He yelled so loud I flinched and folded back my ears. The team rose higher, spinning and dodging. Firing blasts back to the ship. I was lost among the chaos of arrows and fire. Dragon root tipped arrows hurtled past my face, too close for comfort. I flapped back and forth, turning around before an arrow took my head clean off.

An arrow and the twins were down, spiraling down into the sea, Astrid and Stormfly dive after them, tucking their wings tight to their body. She slowly carried them up, this could be a fatal mistake, her speed was no longer on her side.

I saw something hurling through the air- a ball on a chain, a coppery blue color; a dragon proof bola. The light hit it, glistening. Toothless was firing a shot at the mast of the boat, and had no time to react before- I dove. Without thinking I dove. My wings clasped tight to my body, my tail closed for the least amount of wind resistance. I shut my eyes tight, preparing for the object to smack into me hard-

And it did. I felt the impact. Hard, against my head. It took a moment before it exploded in pain. Then I crumpled, and fell towards the water. The pain was so bad I couldn't do anything, I couldn't think, I couldn't yell out in pain. My back hit the water with a smack. I heard hollers, screams. I tried to open my eyes, they were blurry from the salt water but I couldn't feel the sting. The pain in the back of my head was too great.

But I didn't see blue, the calming blue of the ocean, of the sky. Something to give me peace of mind. Instead I saw blooms of red. Red clouds like smoke. I could taste the metallic tang in my mouth.

I drifted in and out of consciousness, I felt a net close around me and drag me out of the water.

Muffled shouts. Chains, blood, anger... hell.

The dance of the moon and stars (M/c x snotlout)Where stories live. Discover now