Stars are like fireflies slipping through my fingers

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Retconning a small part- comment if you noticed

We walked across the long wooden pathways. I lingered just behind him, glancing occasionally back at the ocean where the team was fighting off the hunters.

"Hey." He turned, his voice soft. He reached out for my hand and I placed it in his. "They'll be ok. Let's go lay down." He squeezed my hand and let go, my eyes trailed after his hands longingly. He yanked the leaver in front of his house and with a click of gears the door flung open. He strode inside quickly but I hesitated. I scanned the room for a moment before following him. "So." He looked around and gestured to the surrounding room. "This is the Snots bedroom." I gave a slight nod.

The room was clean, with the only belongings several axes and shields displayed on the walls. There was a large kiln-like fireplace near the back of the hut, its heat fading into the embers swirling in the ash. Just to the left of that was a staircase that led up to the 2nd floor. The room was large with enough room for Hookfang to comfortably hang out in.

"You can sit." He gave a small gesture to the corner of the room where his bed sat tucked almost behind the stairs and fireplace. With a chest at the foot of it.

"Ok." I walked towards him, grabbed his hand and dragged him over to the bed. I sat down and gestured for him to do the same. He complied but quickly looked away, his face lighting up red. I smirked and lay down on his lap, my face towards his chest.

"Uh.." He picked up his hands, holding them up awkwardly so he wouldn't touch me. I sighed and grabbed one of his hands, setting it down on my torso. His eyes went wide and he blushed harder but I pretended not to see.

I looked up at him, meeting his periwinkle eyes. He traced my face with his eyes, carefully taking in my features.

I sat up, suddenly. His hand fell off and he flinched, bringing it close to himself.


"Did you hear that?" My eyes searched the corners of the room, he searched my face.

"No. Hear what?"

"That- There's a person."

"Oh they're back already?" He stood up and walked to the door. I listened for the noise. People talking. Their voices were deep and different and I don't know who they are-

"Snotlout, stop!" I hissed a moment too late. The door swung open to reveal a gang of dragon hunters. They looked at us in a moment of shock before lunging forward. I pull my hood up around myself, hiding my dragon features.

Snotlout dove backwards, lifting an ax off the wall and swinging it at the hunters.

"Stay back!" He shouted. I came up behind him. No escape route presented itself. I cursed under my breath and ran at a hunter. His eyes went wide and he turned around to run. I kicked him so hard in the back that he fell to the floor unconscious. I continued to run past the hunters, Snotlout hot on my tail.

The base was overrun with hunters, ransacking the place and searching for anything valuable.

A sharp pain in my leg. "FUCK!" I screamed, crumpling over in pain. My eyes blurred with tears.

"ASTRA!" Snoutlout was by my side in an instant. An arrow stuck out of my thigh, its medal stung and a warm trickle of blood started down my leg. "No no no no." Snotlout repeated, his hands hovering above my wound.

"EVERYONE STAY BACK or I swear to Thor." He yelled, his voice started to warp, drowning away. The pain was sharp and dizzying. I clutched at my head as it spun. He tried to help me up but my legs wouldn't work. I couldn't rightly flee from them.

"It-" I swallowed the bile down and took a moment for my head to stop spinning. "It'll be ok. I'm," I paused. "Ok." His hand on my face, colors faded into my eyes.

I could see the blurry shape of him in front of me when I strained my eyes to focus. I sniffed, tears running down my shaking face and I relaxed into his hand.

It was just us. Alone. For that moment.


The boat rocked back and forth causing my stomach to flop with a sickening feeling. Snotlout watched my eyes like they were a detailed painting, my emotions colors on the canvas. He crouched next to me, his face a twist of worry and guilt.

I lifted up my hand to his face like he had done. His face softened ever so slightly with relief. I leaned forward to rest my head on his chest. The boat lurched and so did my brain. He carefully wrapped his arms around me. But I pushed him away just as the hunters stormed in and grabbed us both.

They dragged us above deck, where the light was just bright enough that you didn't have to adjust to it. The sky was shifting colors to gold and rosy pink, shedding its blue scales to something brighter before turning a dark dull blue.

Guards were everywhere, standing at attention, shouting orders, making sure the docking bridge was secure.

"Viggo." Snoutlout grumbled, his eyes locked on a man on the boat next to ours. I instantly recognized him. A chill went down my spine. The dragon hunter chief.

As we were ushered towards him his face lit up. "Don't let any of them know you're a Lycan wing." Snotlout hissed next to me, his voice barely a whisper.

"Snotlout!" He exclaimed, like he was reuniting with an old friend. I felt my eyes reduce to slits and my fangs sharpen. I quickly corrected my eyes, trying to make them as round as a human.

It was difficult, looking at someone you hate with every fiber of your being and making your eyes dilate like you were as happy as you can possibly be. And While your leg hurt like hell.

Fear. Fear and confusion, that's what you're feeling. Not deep hatred for your family who has no doubt been slaughtered and sold by this man. You do NOT know who he is. Normal human. Human. Not dragon.

"And you are?" Viggo made direct eye contact with me, his eyebrow raised. For a moment I couldn't respond, focusing on my pupils being as round as possible and not to the sharp line of a blade.

Is Astra a human name? I panicked. Can I say Astra?? What would a human say?

I shifted my weight nervously and He squinted, then his eyes darted to my thigh where a broken arrow stuck out.

"You injured her?!" He roared to the hunters on either side of us. He grabbed one by the collar and threw him across the boat, the man hit the deck with a thud. I stumbled back, into Snotlout, my muscles tensed in fear. "Idiots all of you!" He thundered.

Large beefy Men scrambled away, suddenly remembering that they needed to do something that wasn't on the deck with Viggo. After one last glare around the deck he switched personalities back to us.

"Forgive my manners dear. Surely you understand that we just can't have incompetent companions now can we? Of course you do. Now where were we?" My eyes darted to Snotlout then back to him. "Oh yes, what is your name?"

"Astra." I croaked.

"Very well then." He turned to one of the hunters that hadn't fled. "Take Astra and Snotlout to their cell with the others."

The dance of the moon and stars (M/c x snotlout)Where stories live. Discover now