Lost to the waves.

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(Hiccup pov: )
I aim a shot, right at the heart of the boat. I hear Nyx hiss, drawing in his fire for the shot. I feel the kinetic energy build in the air and then he shoots it. When the shot lands the men on board are blown away from the wreckage. With a loud creak the mast tips, falling with a crack onto a nearby boat. We hover there for a moment, Nyx recovering from the blast.

I glimpse out of the corner of my eye the flash of a bowla headed straight for us- before I could even react, a flash of white and I see Astra tuck in her wings and dive.

I pull Toothless back and we lurch away. With dread I watch and realize the bowla won't miss her. With a sickening crack the weapon collided with her head. She plumits too fast to catch, crumbling and falling towards the sea. More arrows fly up towards us so we are forced to pull away, and out of range.

Nyx yells out, what I can only imagine is a scream. The waves swallow up her body, the shimmering white scales lost among the glare on the waves.

"NO!" I scream. It feels as if all my strength had been ripped from my very soul. Snoutlout pulls Hookfang up to dive, they barrel towards the sea, pulling a wave of air along with them that almost pulls me from my dragon.

All I want is to do what he's doing, dive without thinking. Do whatever I want to with no regard to what will happen if I do. If I get captured then we have almost no hope, I can't dive after her. I can save her. I'm useless and powerless.

Arrows fly towards them.

Hookfang cries out, and pulls out his wings to slow his descent. A long arrow is stuck in his neck, just missing his windpipe. I just stare. Toothless takes initiative and swoops down and grabs the pair to carry them away. His claws hook around Hookfangs shoulders.

I can hear Snotlout cry out. I can feel the tension in Nyx's shoulders. He glanced back to where his sister disappeared underwater, he then looked back to the dragon he's holding in his talons.

"Hookfang! Are you ok?" Snotlout rubs his hand tenderly on the dragon's neck.

A weak grumble is his only reply. Snoutlout glances solemnly back at the boat where they are tossing a net into the sea, and pulling Astra on board. then looks back to his injured dragon. "We will get you all fixed up Hooky." He reassures.

I don't think he saw the blood staining her scales red, or even the gash on her head.

"We need to go." Astrid states. Her voice was shaking despite her expression.

I took in a shuddering breath and followed Astrid away from there.

Everyone was quiet.

No one spoke.

No one cried.

No one screamed.

That is what I did in my head.
I cried, I screamed, I yelled at myself, I went over what happened. Over and over and over again. What could I have done differently? If I was Astra would I have dove? Or would I have overthough it, and Toothless would've been captured and sold and killed? That's probably what will happen to Astra.

I slipped my arm band down to dig my nails into my arm again. It centers my mind, helps me think less. 4 Red Crescent moons appeared where I take my hand off. I stare at the lines etched onto my arm.

"An island!" Fishlegs suddenly exclaimed. I flinched and pulled my armband down. Suddenly ripped from my destructive thoughts.

And indeed in front of us an island appears from the clouds. The island is rocky, as are most islands in our archipelago. With large trees stretching across the extent of the island. The only place suitable to land is the large beach.

The dance of the moon and stars (M/c x snotlout)Where stories live. Discover now