The den of my brothers killer

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When I saw the riders lift off I ran back to the boys house. I tucked in my wings and slipped inside. My frills were perked, detecting any movement or sound. A terrible terror stood up from its perch in the rafters and flew out the door, whipping past me.

I pushed the door closed carefully, and watched the dark shapes morph as my eyes adjusted to the darkness. A large dark shape above turned into a ledge-like roost, where Nyx and his human captor slept.

The slithering movement in my peripheral was the cloth made walls that moved with the subtle breeze. My eyes trailed over the Nightfury tails hanging on the wall like a hunter would display their kill. I shivered and stepped forward into the room, eyes trailing all the corners like a sharp toothed monster may leap forth any second and swallow me whole.

I jumped, wings spread open. I heard a sound. My head swiveled. It sounded like the boy. Nyx told him a simple "I'm not mad at you Hiccup." in response.

I dove to the side of the door, wrapping my cloak tight around myself. The door opened and light flooded in. A figure I could only assume was the Hiccup ran forward to a large chest underneath the fake tails. I slipped out the door, fumbling into my brother on the way.

"What are you doing?" He hissed quietly. "You were supposed to be leaving."

My nose twitched up in anger, the scales on my face bunching ever so slightly. "Why do you want me to leave so bad, huh?"

He paused for a second. "It dosent madder, I just need to keep you safe. What if the dragons attack you?" I gave him a look.

"You know they wouldn't do that. Not on their own command." I lifted my head, gaze lingering on the stables where they took off from.

Then I saw a large monstrous nightmare being ridden by another boy, this one was larger but still small compared to the dragon. The nightmare had heavy scarring just like all the other dragons on this island, and its eyes darted back and forth, watching the shadows not unlike how I had. But even at this distance I could see how carefully the dragon searched the shadows, how he angled the boy away from them, putting himself in between his rider and any potential danger. A growl rumbled in my throat. A mixture of envy and disgust. "It's unnatural."

My eyes flickered to a blue Nadder being ridden by a blond girl, similar in age to me. They flew as one, The girl was alert and her movements seemed sharp and aggressive. Even at the late hour, where most would be slow and inaccurate, she seemed as awake as ever.

"You know-" I turned to him. "I can't believe he named you that."

"SHH! He might hear you." He hissed, significantly louder than me.

My eyes darted back to the riders, wings poised to spring open, and tail ready to push off. I said one last thing to him. "I'm going to rescue the other dragons while I still can. You should help me, pet."

He bristled and lurched forward but I was already in the air shifting into a dragon and barreling towards the girl. A moment of doubt crossed my mind. They've been in captivity for over 3 years, how will I rescue them? But I brushed it away.

A strong force hit my back, with no time to react we both hit the ground- Hard. A spark of pain exploded in my jaw and my eyes felt heavy. Nyx pinned my head and wings under himself, even though I was bigger he was much stronger. My tail swished uselessly, batting the ground. I forced all my strength into turning back to my half form. He readjusted and pinned me down, I thought I could wiggle free but it didn't work.


From above the girl had seen toothless crash down onto the ground with some sort of white scaly thing beneath him. She swerved to hover midair, watching as the scales beneath him crawled and wiggled until it seemed like the thing had disappeared. She brought her dragon down, even though she protested with wary squawks. Stormfly's claws clacked against the wood of the pathway when she landed. Her wings folded in and Astrid slipped off of Stormfly's back.

Now she could clearly see the girl pinned underneath Toothless's talons. Her hair was white and her eyes were a striking light purple that faded closer to her red pupils, which were almost slits. White blobs poked out of her hair, even though they were pressed tightly to her scalp. They had a tinge of pink on them. She trashed weakly against the nightfury, a futile attempt. With her ax held ahead of her she dared to speak.

"What is she?" Astrid asked breathlessly.

Snotlout swooped in to land next to them. He slid off of Hookfangs neck and gasped when he saw the girl with wide purple eyes and white pink dragon wings. She growled like a dragon and snapped her jaws around air. A white tail thrashed behind her, the tip of it was pink and the fins looked familiar. Just like Toothless's but with longer spines.

Hiccup's boots thumped after them. He slid down a ladder and stopped in his tracks.

The dance of the moon and stars (M/c x snotlout)Where stories live. Discover now