That weak part of me

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Hiccup pov

"No, I don't think I will." He chuckled. Hunters swarmed around us. I whipped around to face them but Viggo grabbed me from behind and threw my sword to the ground with a clatter. He reached back to hold up his own to my neck. I pulled in a shallow breath.

"Not so fast Hiccup. You get to see us take down your friends, front row tickets." Viggo spoke, his breath hot in my ear. The jingle of a set of keys and a long drawn out creak. A hunter opened the cage door, the same one we were just looking into. Viggo shoved me in and I hit the floor hard.

I scrambled up to my feet as Astrid was flung in and the door was shut. I clutched my shoulder with my free hand and rushed forward.

"You won't get away with this!" I yelled after him as he disappeared into a corridor. The only response I got was something between a dismissive huff and a laugh. I saw Nyx being ushered into his cell.

The hunters muzzled him, tightening the strap while another put a medal clamp onto each of his wings, preventing him from flying. We watched as they gave Stormfly the same treatment, although they gave her a tail clamp so she couldn't shoot her quills.

One by one the gang was captured and brought in, their dragons muzzled and clamped to be put in cells.

Fishlegs was giving the hunters a stern talking to about how they were handling his dragon while they dragged him along, sword to his back.

The twins came in taking turns spitting insults to their hunter escorts.

As they came in wrestling Hookfang, Viggo appeared, watching the hunters struggle with the uncooperative Nightmare. He thrashed as they tried to muzzle him, and lit his scales on fire when they tried to put on the wing clips. Eventually they settled on the wing clips and decided the muzzle was too much work.

Viggo approached our cell, eyes seeming to count us as they jumped from one to the next.

Tuffnut spat at his feet, and Viggo looked down at him disappointedly.

"Where is the one that rides that dragon? What's his name.. Snot-something. Ah Snotlout! Wherever is that fellow? He is my favorite dragon rider you know-" He looked at me. "Other than you my dear Hiccup, of course." His arms and hands accentuating his words

He looked us over, studying our faces carefully. Astrid crossed her arms and Tuffnut copied her. Ruffnut rolled her eyes and mocked him with her hand, imitating him talking with overexaggerated expressions.

"Where is he?" He asked us, though it wasn't as much of a question as it was a demand for us to tell him. Everyone locked their jaws and stared him down, saying nothing, not a word. A swell of pride ignited in my chest, That was my team.

I hope Astra is ok, Snotlout as well. I grit my teeth further, thinking of Snotlout alone with her. When Viggo caught my eye I knew I fucked up.

"So there's another person on the edge." He smirked, eyes glittering. Without thinking or holding my poker face my eyes flickered, betraying fear. "Oh Hiccup. I'm not void of emotion, I can simply see it on your face. He's with someone, and you're jealous, not a good look on you my dear."

"I'm not-"

"You can't lie to me. I know you too well, and anyway I sent a few ships on the back side of your island to sneak in, capture any dragons they can, maybe even riders and report back. But I'm sure they'll find him and her. Whoever she is. It won't be long now. And Hiccup don't worry, I'll be gentle with her~" His eyes glinted with laughter and after studying my face for a moment with delight he turned around and left us.

They looked at me, they could see it. That weak little me I tried so hard to drown, to throw off my dragon, to hide deep in the woods. That weak me with emotions that would get me and my team killed was still here, and he just might succeed. I tried to look at them, suddenly feeling very small. My gaze flew over them, they had heard what Viggo had said. Even the twins seemed to understand.

Astrid was the worst, I could barely look at her, I wanted her so badly but Astra came in and just complicated things and now I don't know what to do or how to feel.


"Wait-" Tuffnut spoke up, his eyes flashing with laughter and disbelief. "Hiccup, you like Snoutlout?" He bit his lip to stop himself from laughing. "I knew it." He smirked, and then his face dropped when he saw Astrid.

"You're screwed." Ruffnut whispered loudly.

"No." Fishlegs spoke up, shaking his head in response to Tuffnut. He turned to me. "You meet some new girl and you're falling head over heels? What's the big deal? I thought we were a team." It felt as if an arrow had been lodged in my chest.

"No it's not like that at all!" To say it lightly I was horrified. "I'm sorry, to all of you! I just have a lot on my mind right now."

"Yeah." Astrid scoffed. "And we all know exactly who she is. And I thought we were something."

"We are!" I yelped suddenly. "I love you Astrid! This doesn't mean anything. I swear."

"Can we save this for later?" Ruffnut asks.

"Yes, finally." She grabbed at her arm. "I-I didn't want to listen to his lying face talk anymore anyway." Astrid turned away, trying to hide her hurt. It felt as if I had rocks tied to my wrists and I was just thrown overboard. Sinking into the endless swirling dark abyss.

The dance of the moon and stars (M/c x snotlout)Where stories live. Discover now