Prisoners of the night sky

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I blinked awake and sprung to my feet. I was in the stables, but this time I was behind the wooden bars. The dragons from the night before all had their respective stable rooms. A roll of cloth had been laid underneath me.
Light filtered through a small crack in the door, signaling that it was daylight. Not long later the door creaked open.

Light flooded the room and a group of people stepped in. They were all chattering amongst themselves and went quiet when they saw me awake.

Two people that I haven't seen before rushed over, their hair was long and blond and they looked similar enough. One of them grasped at the bars and leaned forward. I jumped back and spread my wings to look bigger.

"Whoa." He gasped, peering in at me. He looked back at his twin. "It's like a Lycan wing! Remember when we thought I was one?" He stuck his arm through with a finger pointed at me. I wrinkled my nose. The girl shuttered.

"Yeah, and you almost jumped off a cliff?" He gave an enthusiastic nod and pulled his hand back to watch me with fascination.

I squinted my eyes at the pair and took a slow step forward, ears perked to listen. Leaning my head in to sniff warily at their hands. The first non aggressive humans I've encountered here. Before I could get too close though, the one legged boy snapped.

"Tuffnut, Ruffnut! Get away from the bars." I jumped back and huddled at the back of the cage. The twins took a disgruntled step backwards.

"Fishlegs?" He turned to the boy who had shot the dart. I recoiled in fear. He looked at me with... guilt, sadness, confusion, interest? Whatever it was he turned back to his leader quickly. "What do you think?" He gave a small gesture to me.

Fishlegs looked back at me. I hissed and spread my wings open, whipping around my tail in defense. Then Fishlegs looked back to him. He made a high pitched squeal noise, maybe in worry. "I can't believe I'm saying this but," He took a deep breath and exhaled. "I don't think the twins are wrong."

"YES!" Tuffnut yelled, at the sound I jumped, but quickly settled down into sitting on the floor. "We did it~ We did it!" They sang, prancing around each other.

"But it can't be." The boy gasped.

"Hiccup, I think it just might. How else would you explain the wings, the tail, the ears?" He paused, gaze filtering over me. "And the scales, eyes." He listed off the non-human attributes one hand.

The boy referred to as Hiccup looked over to me, rubbing the back of his head as he looked to the other people.

The other girl-the one fond of an ax- stepped forward to look at me more closely. I wrapped my wings around myself and tucked my tail close. Her blue eyes searched mine. She turned her head, and looked at Hiccup. "Why would she try to steal our dragons?"

"I wasn't stealing any dragons." I mumbled into my arm. "You stole them.." They continued their conversation with barely a notice of what I said or thought.

The square jawed monstrous nightmare rider turned to me, with a puzzled expression. Carefully, and quietly so that the others didn't hear him he crouched down and spoke "What did you say?" I looked up at him. Eyes glassy from tears being forced away. Some dribbled down my cheek. His gaze, even though it was soft and kind, softened more. His shoulders relaxed and I felt my head stop spinning, at least for a moment.

"I wouldn't steal dragons." I sniffed. "He-" I pointed to hiccup. "Stole them." I scooched forwards and unfurled my wings.

"Snotlout?" Hiccup questioned, staring at him. He turned, shoulders tensing and face hardening.

"What?" He demanded, demeanor changing completely. It strangely made me feel safe.

"Just wondering what you were doing." He looked down, gesturing with his eyes to where Snoutlout sat across from me.

The dance of the moon and stars (M/c x snotlout)Where stories live. Discover now