Human hearts and drgaon souls, the lines begin to blur

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Another visitor, the light flooded in and I blinked it away. It was all of them this time. Hiccup was in the front before he got shoved out of the way by Snoutlout and the twins. They rushed forward and I sprung to my feet. A huge grin had spread across Snoutslouts face and the twins seemed excited to see me.

I backed up a step as they clung onto the bars. Tuffnut leaned his head in and I squinted at him.

"Hello there!" He cooed. I made a small squawk-like noise and shook out my wings. Laughing a greeting.

Snotlout came up to the door and leaned his arms on it. I stepped forward.

"Ok guys, back up." Hiccup told them. They all agreed and took several steps back. Hiccup took their place and undid the latch.

Everyone else watched with a hint of confusion while he opened it. Astrids seemed to tense as the door opened but otherwise didn't do anything.

I took a step backwards and watched as the door moved, leaving me with only a few humans between me and wide open freedom. The oceans, the rivers, the trees, the grass, and oh the sky. How I'd missed it. It had only been 2 days but still!

I felt so alive and excited but also something... else. The feeling made me hesitate. The feeling kept me from bolting and never looking back. What was it? I tried to claw at the feeling, tried to hold it down so I could get a good look at it.

I stood still as they stared at me, waiting for me to come forward. Did I feel scared? No it couldn't be, they're just a couple humans why would I be scared to leave them? I looked at Snotlout and my mind flashed with an answer I didn't want to accept.

I took a deep breath and took a small step forward, keeping a careful eye on Fishlegs in particular.

I moved with carefulness and calculation. My tail swished behind me. The humans seemed to take me in, not quite used to my unique appearance.

Feeling more comfortable I sprang forward suddenly, hopping right in front of Snotlout. Some of the others flinched but hung back and watched with interest. He reached out a hand to ruffle my hair, and I bumped his chest with my head, similar to the way a cat might. His cheeks flushed embarrassed as he tried to collect himself in front of the others.

Hiccup broke the silence, speaking first. "So Astra, How do you know Toothless exactly?" I lifted my head to look at him.

"Oh, he's my brother." Everyone stopped and stared, Toothless shuffled quietly behind Hiccup.

"What?" Astrid gasped. Looking from me to Toothless.

"Well Nyx is anyway." I shrugged, giving him a playful grin.

"But you're not a full dragon." Tuffnut pointed out flatly.

"Nyx, would you like to show them or should I?" I swished my tail impasheintly, watching for his reaction.

He made a grumble-like sound and looked back at me.

"Fine, but you can't keep your secret for long." I looked around. "We might want to do this outside."


We made our way out, onto the landing pad. It was wide enough for the group to stand a dragon's length away from me. I hissed in a breath, steadying my racing heart. Everyone watched me carefully.

I channeled my strength into shifting, letting my skin become paler. More scales began to emerge like freckles, turning my skin a glittering white. My wings and tail grew significantly in size. Spines erupted from my spine and down my face.

It felt natural, like swimming in a river, dancing in a field or taking a walk in the forest. Like that was what you were always meant to do.

Soon enough the girl standing in front of them was gone. Replaced by an albino Nightfury just slightly larger than toothless. Their tail fin spines were long and spindly for sensing vibrations and her head frills were longer and slightly curved.

The dance of the moon and stars (M/c x snotlout)Where stories live. Discover now