╔How You Met╝

994 22 24

I just edited some stuff-

'Imagine...waking up one morning at four, walking into the kitchen and almost having a stroke after seeing your sister kissing...well, Spiderman-??
Is that what he is..?'

Dressed in all black, Y/N stood in the rain, completely drenched. Around her, was a gathering of a few people, everyone dressed in the same color of clothes as the H/C-haired teen.

'Next thing you know, Spiderman's dead and... we have to move.'

Here's the thing... something pretty sure everyone knows of. The Collider wasn't the end of it all.

So, when one night, some random dude in a spider suit appeared in S/N's office while both were in a tough spot at the time, feelings happened to be caught. And, worse, staying in a dimension that wasn't of his own would...

'His body disintegrated.'

The teen worked hard. She tried hard to figure out how the actual frick all that happened, how someone like that could actually come to be and somehow stumbled upon...nothing--

'I'm kidding--Scratch that--this isn't Spiderman's funeral--
BUT- he was taken away- much to well, his and my sister's dismay-'

Taken away, yeah. But, right after a supervillain was let loose, causing way too much havoc--and, of course, there came more spider..people, taking them both back to...well, Y/N didn't know where.

The gathering of people was Y/N's family, everyone was there. Everyone except S/N. They were all leaving, all except S/N. Nobody bothered to say a word to her, knowing what she must be going through.

End of the funeral. Y/N walked over to the car parked outside and quietly got in, not uttering a single word. No one did. Not until literally ten seconds after F/N had started the car.

"I can't believe superheroes exist-"

Y/N's younger sisters were rather intrigued by all that, not all too well aware of the situation since nobody was brave enough to explain it to them.

"Even---well, since they do," F/N began, eyes focused on the road as his face held a solemn look. "We stay away."

A rule the L/Ns all respected and remembered.

"Your father's right," M/N flashed her four daughters a weak smile, hoping her eldest daughter was doing okay.

You have to stay away from anything you DON'T understand. Anything you don't understand is what you should fear.

'Very 'Croods' like.'

Things were odd in the family. But, everyone knew it was for their own safety. Nobody in the family was too fond of stepping outside their comfort zone and change was hard due to...various reasons. Something S/N defied, gradually making Y/N feel the same way. But, unlike S/N, she didn't rebel against due to, again...various reasons.

Either way, this was a new start. For all the
L/Ns. Especially for Y/N
(Since this is a reader insert).



A great place to start anew!

They had gotten here about two days ago and school started today. To think, she could've gone a few days without it.

School wasn't too bad, well perhaps for now at least. Everyone seemed more or less okay...except for this one guy, who looked to be way too enthusiastic to be there. Y/N was still trying to figure out how he looked so happy to be there at 7:15 in the morning. Although, he was really nice, helping anyone in need, having small talks with everyone. Y/N knew since she watched him from across the classroom the entire time in a not-creepy creepy way, of course.

She was currently walking home from school, exhausted. Mumbattan was loud. There were people and traffic everywhere. There were also a bunch of stray dogs around the path Y/N decided to take home.

Her eyes landed on a few inside an alley. Without hesitation, she walked inside. Yeah, that was an S/N thing. Either way, who would do anything to some random teenager in broad daylight, at a place with a concerning amount of people... everywhere?

"Hello," Y/N greeted, crouching down near the group of stray dogs, that might've just been ferocious as h---but, the H/C-haired teen had plot armor...not that she knew of it. And, just like that, the girl began to have conversations with the dogs, feeling like the main character of some fanfiction.

Unbeknownst to her, a figure gradually lowered himself, hanging onto his web as he watched her happily chat away with the dogs. The girl kept blabbering nonsense, starting from talking about the Illuminati to furries.

(Don't worry, even I'm trying to figure out the frick I wrote.)

To the boy, the
H/C-haired teen seemed... well, adorable.

He was just swinging by, patrolling the city when his gaze fell upon the teen, crouching before a few stray dogs, seemingly chatting with them. He could tell by one look at her that she was from his school, not just because of her clothes but, also because he had seen her at school today. He didn't really get a chance to talk to her then and thus, decided to go talk to her now because...why not? And, she seemed nice.

So, here he was, listening to her utter nonsense, a grin painting his face underneath the mask as he hung upside down.

"And, then, I found out that my friend, whom I've, mind you, known for five years, was a furry," she rambled on, recalling that friend. The strange fact didn't really change anything between the two as they still continued to talk up to this day.

Somehow, Y/N's eyes finally wandered around, landing on...


She stared at the boy, wide-eyed. He, on the other hand, hadn't still realized he was caught as he kept staring, the smile under his mask never faltering. Aw, the new girl's cute!

"Um, sir??" Y/N called, clearing her throat, perhaps finally gaining his attention as he flinched slightly.

"Oh, uh, hi!" He greets, shooting some web behind Y/N and moves right past the teen, catching her off guard. Turning around, she was met with the strange boy standing right before her. "I'm Spider-man! Sure, you've heard of that-"

"Uhh...oh, wa--"

The teen stared at him. Oh my god, it was a superhero. There was a superhero here? Wasn't she supposed to stay away from them? Maybe, she should fake a heart attack--wait, what? No-!
Okay, how about running away, screaming? Uh, no.
Fine--she should talk to him. Like a normal person.

Okay, that seemed like a good plan.

Talk to the spider boy like a normal person.

"I always come back."

With that, Y/N ran off like people do after turning the lights off.

On the other hand, Pavitr just stood there, baffled. Oh, he so had to talk to the new girl now.


(A/N: I truly don't know if any of this makes even the slightest bit of sense--)

❥︎Dude, what-?シ︎ || Pavitr Prabhakar X Reader || ♡Bᴏʏғʀɪᴇɴᴅ Sᴄᴇɴᴀʀɪᴏs♡Where stories live. Discover now