╔Your Feelings For Him╝

415 13 15

Today was certainly not Y/N's day.

She glared down at the papers before her, trying her best to jot down the writing as her gaze shifted between her own papers and the one of her friend's.

She went out with her family last night, they stayed out a little too late, much to her dismay, and came home a little too late. By the time, the
L/N's finally got home, it was one in the morning. On top of that, her alarm didn't go off this morning, hence why she woke up to her mother's yelling instead and got to school ten minutes before class started with an unfinished assignment. Moreover, the classroom was buzzing with students, their chatter filling up the room. It felt suffocating and the H/C-haired teen wished to run out the door and go hide in the bathrooms. Although, they were probably not the best place to be either.

Y/N could barely keep her eyes open as she clenched her jaw, not happy with herself for putting this assignment away for later. All the loud noises hit her in the head, making it ache. And, amidst all of this, the only good thing was her friend. He and his assignment that he was currently letting Y/N copy from. The friend in question, sat beside her, his face resting in his palm as he smiled at her seemingly frustrated form. She looked adorable.

Since losing her way to class a few months ago, he had been her only friend. Usually, the two would see each other at school but at times, they'd hang out outside of school. Y/N still didn't know many people here, nor did she make any friends at school, other than Pavitr, of course. It wasn't that the other students weren't nice, the H/C-haired teen just liked how it currently was. Pavitr was enough for her. He was rather kind, to say the least. It made Y/N all warm and happy on the inside, which she did not like but, either way, she loved his company.

"Are you done?" He called, his smile never faltering and his gaze never leaving the
H/C-haired teen.

"No," she curtly replied, her hands beginning to ache.

"Okay," he answered, making Y/N pause as she stared down at the paper, trying to figure out what was up with his tone today.

Her eyes flicked over to him for a brief moment, before going back to her assignment, now wide. Fortunately for her, Pavitr seemed to be in some sort of trance staring at the love of his li---scratch that--his friend.

Suddenly, to Y/N, everything went quiet. She did not like that look he was giving her. No, she loved it. And, she hated that she loved it. She definitely needed more sleep. But, either way, his gaze full of love and adoration had seemingly...made her feel something strange. It was that same strange feeling she's been getting ever since she first saw him. The strange feeling that she got every time she heard his laugh, every time he held her hand, every time she'd see him waiting outside the school gates for her, or basically every moment she spent with him. The strange feeling...that seemed to be getting stronger than ever.

In the middle of the loud silence and the overwhelming thoughts that were flooding her mind, the bell finally rang, bringing both teens out of their thoughts.

Y/N immediately shook her head. 'Who am I kidding? He's...always like that. Focus, idiot.'

Pavitr, on the other hand, blinked, realizing he had been staring. He also noticed how Y/N now seemed troubled, making him feel worried.

"You...couldn't finish the work?" He asked, gazing down at her assignment. His words drew Y/N's attention, making her turn to face him.

"Oh, uh," she stammered, putting the cap on the pen back on and putting it down. "No, but, it's fine--I'll finish it during the break."

Y/N forced out a smile, having noticed how Pavitr seemed worried. He was worried about her. Y/N was currently over the moon, but not what had to be discussed right now.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 11, 2023 ⏰

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