Why me ?

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The next day I didn't eat or talk to nobody I didn't even want to talk to my brothers or play with my little sister that I love so much. All I can think about is not being a virgin and that I got raped by my step father. My momma busted in the room. I need you to take Mya a bath. She said and walks off. I knew my step father was at work so I thought damn this is a perfect time to tell moms that her husband raped me maybe she's going to believe me since he not here. So I yelled momma ! Can you come here for a second I need to talk to you. Girl don't yell in my house like that this better be important I have things to do ! She yelled back. Momma I need to talk to you about your husband. What's about him she said with an attitude. Momma I know you might not believe me but your husband my step father he raped me. Momma I said with tears rolling from my face she look at me like I was stupid. Shut the fuck up he ain't rape you. You always did want attention .you want attention ? I'm going to give you some I want you out after gradation for lying on my Damn husband ! She yelled. But momma where I'm going to go ? I mean I'm only 17. I don't have nobody to stay with. You told me to come to you for anything and I told you that and it's true momma I wouldn't lie like that please momma believe me. I want you out by Monday and matter of fact take your brothers and your little sister with you it was hard raising y'all anyways ! She yelled. And walks in the kitchen and called him and told him what I had told her she was dying laughing I was crying my heart out because who knew your momma will ever put a man before her children. My little brother Shawn came in the room and asked what's wrong. I didn't want to tell him but I always wanted to keep it real with all my brothers and my little sister even though she was a baby . Well brother momma kicking us out. I said sadly. Why ? He said. Because she an ass hole and doesn't believe in none of her children tears formed in his eyes. We both cried together when I looked at the clock it's was 7pm. Brother I look down at him I could see the hurt in his eyes. Yes he said. Go pack and tell jay to pack and you do the same no playing games okay ? Okay where we going sis ? He said. Umm I really don't know but we going to find some where just pack and leave clothes out for tomorrow and Saturday fuck what she say I'm leaving Sunday I can't take it no more. I took Mya a bath and put her in the bed with me. Then I heard a voice. Your momma told me what happened he said with a laugh I told you she wasn't going to believe you, what I told you if you told somebody what happen I was going to kill you right. He said. I didn't say nothing. He said I'm not going to kill you because she kicking y'all out I never I did like y'all ugly ass kids anyways and he walked out an looked at me one more time with a smile. Ughh ! I hate my life I screamed !

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