Happier than ever

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Oh my god baby Mya's birthday is about to come up in two weeks and we still didn't go shopping to see what to get. Why you trippen baby two weeks is a lot of time baby girl.okay Chris I guess. I tell you what tomorrow we can go shopping after I take care some business . Okay that will be nice. My phone began to rang it was Jasmine. Wassup girl ! Hey jazz love. What you been doing girl. Nothing really hanging with my family. Yall so cute together. I was wonder so you want go to a club me you your boyfriend and my boyfriend. I didn't know she had a boyfriend but I would love to but girl i don't have nobody to watch my brothers and sister. It's cool let me know if you change your mind. Okay cool. Who was that ? It was Jasmine Bae. Oh cool what she wanted. She wanted to go on a double date you me and her and her boyfriend. Why you said no. I didn't say no Bae I said we didn't have nobody to watch the kids. Oh okay but we do. I have a nanny and she the sweetest lady it's my dad's sister. Do you trust her? because you know how I feel about my brothers and sister. Yea I trust Her shouldn't wouldn't get them. Okay Chris Im going to text her we was going to come. She text me the name of the place and address. We pulled up to the house and I went upstairs and pack the kids some night clothes I didn't know what time we was coming back but I made sure they took a bath before we left. After that I had to see what I was going to wear to the club. I was thinking about a white dress but white get dirty to quick so I'm just going to wear this red dress. I hopped in the shower as did my make up and but on my clothes you know Bae was ready already so when I went down stairs Mya said sis look nice huh daddy we all busted out laugh yea she does we got this kids bags and snacks and went to bring them by Chris nanny. I didn't hear to much out the kids lately. Waasup Shawn and Jay ? Nothing much I just miss mom but im blessed so I can complain. I low key miss my momma but she did me dirty so It been like fuck her I'm happy. Jay what about you. I feel the same way I like it at Chris house it fun I don't want go back by momma house. You not trust me. We pulled up to this beautiful house And let the kids out and walk to the house they had toys ever where. Hey auntie baby. Hey. I missed you and I miss you to. an who is these wonderful people. This is my girlfriend Tiffany and these are her brothers and sister, Shawn , Jay and Mya. We'll hello you guys will be find here I have all these toys and food and snacks yall can do anything just don't break nothing. Yall be good for sis okay i love yall come give sis a Hug and kiss they forehead I really love this kids and walked out with Chris. We shouldn't be long. Okay take your time have fun. I really enjoy being around your brothers and sister baby. I know me to we kissed and kissed and then we pulled off. I love you Tiffany. I love you too Chris.

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