2 months later Boy or girl

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Today we found out what we was having I was hoping for a boy, But you know Tiffany wants a girl I don't know why. I want another boy to just have fun and play football or basketball with just wait until Kevin gets older. The doctor came in and but the gel on my stomach. Looks like to be yall would be having a baby boy. To be honest I was happy with whatever God gave me. But if God ask me what I wanted I would have said a girl but I'm very thankful for a baby boy. Baby can you believe we really have a baby boy we going to have to do a lot I want him playing basketball and football I don't want him to grow up like me baby. Chris I understand and good I'm glad you don't but since you brought that to my attention I want you out the gang before the baby comes . Damn that mean I have five months left to do what I have to do with gang. Okay find but next month on the first I have to go on this business trip. Okay long as you come back like you left I'm cool with it. I love you baby. I love you to. Now lets go home to the kids. Girl Jasmine guess what me and Chris having. Please say a baby girl. Nope a boy but I'm grateful. Right cause some people don't get to have kids like you do. Yea girl I'm just so tired but you know Chris them leave in five days Huh ? Girl for what ? They having a business trip you should come over to keep me company. You know I love coming to your house, how many days I'm packing for ? Three days girls Im going to tell Chris to go shopping before he leaves but I'm going to call you back Chris momma calling. So I heard you having a boy. Yea I'm grateful. I know you don't really want a boy but you would make a prefect parent either way. Awww thanks momma celle but Im going to call u back I'm getting morning sickness. Tiffany are you okay Shawn and Jay said. Yea I'm just having morning sickness that's all oh okay I hope you feel better we love you tiff. I love yall too. Knowing my brothers always her for me really makes me happy they always have my back.

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