Goodbye class of 2015

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Graduation is today as I got ready and put on my white gown and my yellow honors lace I like looked in the mirror and said damn girl you flawless and blessed. I didn't have friends because I knew I wasn't going to have time for them, there was this one girl name jasmine she would talk to me every now and then and ask me why I was so quiet. I'm going to miss her even though we never really talked she was the only one who talked to me the other kids would just copy my work but oh well long as I get my grades. The time have come we all lined up to get ready to start graduation. As we walked in people parents started screaming there names I didn't hear my name not once but oh well fuck it. As they called the names for all the honors students to go get there diploma I started to cry because knowing I did this by myself with no fucking help. It made me stronger fuck feeling down about what I'm going threw your girl made it with a 4.0 and get to go to any college I want too. After graduation was over jasmine came over and gave me a hug and told me congratulations and said I should call her sometime I said thank you and I will. Truth be told I didn't have a phone so I don't think she would ever get a call from me sadly. My little brothers came running up to me and I hugged them both they said that my momma was over in the Conor waiting for us so I followed them towards my mother. I'm ready to go to many people out here and you know your step father don't like to be waiting. She said and walks off . I still hate that nigga that ain't my step father. sometimes I wish my father was still here I miss him so much daddy why you had to go I needed you the most I cried and walk to the car. They took the man that always had my back two years ago my father was murder he was in the street getting money for us to eat. An then my momma got that call at 2 in the morning my father was gone i really did it for him I hope I made you proud daddy I love you I said looking at the sky.

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