Caught empty-handed

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I actually hate what I've already omg - but I get regular comments for updates so I'll try~

From now onwards, I will try writing more of a plot to go with this rather than whatever I wrote beforehand. On another note, I actively refuse to reread what I've written so some points may contradict - sorry :/

Amor POV:

Long story short, we didn't actually win, though I scored some good points which impressed the less arrogant guys in the class. But it's done now and thank goodness for that. If I had even one more girl expressing how cute Ashton's brother is, I was gonna throw hands!

On the drive home, I had to deal with Ashton, Elijah and Levi's relentless comments as their attempt to embarrass me. And the worst part was, it was working. 

Once we finally got home I ran up to my room, ignoring Ash's calls for what I wanted for dinner and closed the door. In all honesty, I'm sick of having brothers. At first,  I was excited but now the illusion had faded and I was really uncomfortable with the idea that I'd live with them forever. Or at least until I move out.

I'm just frustrated now for no good reason and I know it's not good. I'm just waiting for them to slip up so I can have some reason to be angry at them. But until then, I'm gonna go smoke.

"Where are you going?" Levi asked as soon as I left my room. 

"Out" I replied. I mean for crying out loud, it's not like I haven't spent the whole day with them and now I can't go five minutes at home without them speaking to me.

"Where to?" He asked, half friendly, half assertive. The previous talk of their hatred for drugs really made me nervous whenever I did stuff like this. As if their eyes glowed a harsh light and their voices switched from good to bad all on their own.

"Out" I repeated

"Okay, that's fine. One question though. What's this?" And he held up MY lighter. 

Crap, this is bad for two reasons. One is that I'm in the process of being caught, and two because that is my only lighter. Just play the fool, Amor

"A lighter? Why?" 

"It fell out of your pocket whilst you were with me today. I was angry at first but then I remembered you're not an idiot. I mean, my stepbrother wouldn't smoke because of how much trouble he'd be in with Ashton alone" He spoke quietly and assertively.

"It's not mine," I said quickly, my heart hammering in my chest. "It's Gia's" I came up with that pretty quickly

"The girl you hang out with?" he questioned

"Yeah, and I really need to get that back to her or.. withdrawal and that jazz so thanks! Bye!" I quickly snatched back the lighter and bolted.

I heard Levi call out angrily to me and his fast footsteps but I was home free now. Will I have to deal with that when I get home? Probably. Will I cheat my way out of it? Yes.

Don't expect tons from me

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27, 2023 ⏰

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