Spider-Man Prologue

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The story starts with Spider-Man swinging around Midtown, New York City, during a very peaceful midnight. A lot has happened in Peter Parker's life as the Web-Slinger. The Green Goblin, Norman Osborn, has been presumed dead, Tombstone has been monitored by the authorities, causing the city's crime rate to drop exponentially, and Black Cat had ended her friendship with Spidey after he foiled her attempt at breaking her father out of the Vault. Unfortunately, Parker's personal life is even more complicated. He had just recently dumped Liz Allan in pursuit of dating Gwen Stacy, only to learn the girl of his dreams must continue being Harry Osborn's girlfriend to comfort him after losing his dad, much to Pete's disappointment. Tonight, Spidey does some reflecting on all that had occurred these past few days.

Spider-Man: "I still can't believe Mr. Osborn was the Green Goblin this whole time. And not only did I take him down, I blew him to smithereens. (Sigh) Harry must be traumatized by what went down yesterday. But it's not like I meant to blow up his dad, I-I was just... outraged."

As quiet as a mouse, Spidey makes it home and slips through his bedroom window without waking up his Aunt May. Wearily, Peter Parker unmasks himself and lies on his bed, preparing to fall asleep.

Peter: (In his head) "No one else should have to suffer for the Web-Head's mistakes, not even Harry. I swore that nobody else would have to experience what I went through losing Uncle Ben. If only I could go back in time and save Norman Osborn. Unfortunately, Spidey's a hero, not a miracle worker."

Peter closes his eyes and drifts off to sleep.

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