The Homestay Dilemma: Aunt May

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On a Tuesday morning at the Parker residence, Peter sits at the dinner table, talking about the exchange program with his Aunt May, while she cooks him scrambled eggs for breakfast.

Peter: "But Aunt May, I can't just leave you here alone!"

Aunt May: "Oh Peter, I know I'm an old girl, but I can take care of myself."

Peter: "But what if you got another heart attack, a-and I can't make it back in time?"

Aunt May: "Dr. Bromwell's agreed to give me biweekly check ups while you're gone. He cares for me just as much as you and your Uncle Ben have."

Peter: "Ok, but what about the bills? What if you're light on cash?"

Aunt May: "Don't worry about that either, I got a job as a culinary teacher at your school. And the money you lent me from your last Bugle paycheck will hold me over for the rest of the month."

Peter: "Ok, that's good, but what if-?"

Aunt May's tone of voice takes a shift from passive to a tad bit assertive.

Aunt May: "Peter, I'm going to stop you right there. I understand you're concerned for your aunt, but I really care about your future. Someday, you'll be living on your own, and you'd want to be successful. Don't you think earning a scholarship would be a good step in that direction?"

Peter: "Well I... I guess it would."

Aunt May: "So, I encourage you to do this. Don't push away this opportunity because of my health and financial well-being. I'll be fine on my own. Meanwhile, you can focus on studying, making new friends, and gaining new experiences. So, do we see eye to eye here?"

Peter: "Heh, sure, Aunt May."

Parker is finally convinced, so Aunt May's tone reverts back to passive.

Aunt May: "Lovely, now how about we get this form signed, or else you won't be going anywhere?"

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