The Homestay Dilemma: Gwen

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As they stroll past the lockers down the corridor, Parker and Stacy browse through the general information of one of the application forms the professor gave them.

Gwen: "The form says we'd each be living with our own host family for an estimated three months."

Peter: "So it's a homestay program, alright."

Gwen: "The program costs $250 per month, so for ninety days...."

Peter: "Then that'd be a whopping 750. Huh, hope I got enough Bugle money in my account to last me that long. But hey, second family; you don't get one of those every day."

Gwen: "It's tempting, but (Sigh)... I think I'll have to pass."

Peter: "Wait, you're not coming? I-Is it the cost? Cuz maybe we could borrow a few student loans or-"

Gwen: "No no, don't get me wrong, I'd love to go. I-It's not a money thing, it's just (Sigh)... Harry. He... still hasn't recovered from what went down the other day."

Peter: "Yeah, good point. Can't leave our best bud all alone. (Sigh) You know what, never mind. The trip sounds too expensive anyway."

Gwen: "Hey, I never said you couldn't go. You should take this, Pete. You deserve to explore Paris. Think of all the pros."

Peter: "Hmm, I guess it's got a lotta pros: Adding to my college résumé, giving Liz some space, avoiding Flash for a while, all that jazz."

Gwen: "See? It's not so bad. You don't need me to have a great time."

Peter: "I guess, but... would you be ok without me?"

Gwen: "Of course. Besides, I'm not alone. I got my dad, Harry, the mathletes. I'll be fine."

Peter: "Now hold on, if I'm not mistaken, weren't you the damsel that got kidnapped by supervillains not too long ago?"

Gwen: (Giggles) Ok, fine Mr. Paranoid, I'll talk my dad into signing me up for Taekwondo. If I take self-defense classes, will you please go through with this?"

A smile grows on Peter's face listening to Gwen's words of encouragement.

Peter: (Chuckles) Alright, you swayed me. But I better see a black belt around your waist by then."

Peter zips down the hall, but then briefly returns to peck Gwen Stacy on her cheek.

Peter: "Thanks Gwen. You still rock!"

She blushes hard, accentuating her crush on Parker.

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