The Eddie Eruption

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The scene cuts to the Paris Drugstore/Pharmacy, where Eddie Brock is at work at his new job, and had just finished ringing up a customer.

Eddie: "Thank you sir, have a great day."

Just then, Eddie's cellphone rings, so he answers it to hear Gwen on the other end.

Eddie: "Talk to me."

Gwen: "Hey Eddie. How're you doing?"

Eddie: "Hey Gwen. Just livin' the dream."

Gwen: "I heard you just got out of the hospital, where're you now?"

Eddie: "Paris. The Doc recommended I start a new life somewhere else, so here I am."

Gwen: "You're in Paris too!? No way! Maybe you'll run into Pete by chance."

Eddie: "...Pete?"

Gwen: "Oh right, you haven't heard. Peter's enrolled in our school's exchange program. He's living in Paris for a while.

Eddie: "Pete's... in Paris!?"

Brock speaks, vexation seething through his mind.

Gwen: "Yeah, coincidences can be crazy. I bet he'll be shocked to see his old bro again."

Hearing the news about Peter being present within the radius of his fresh start, Eddie's boiling with hatred, and Gwen is unable to discern his silent anger via phone call.

Eddie: "Gwen, I'll call you back."

Eddie hangs up the phone, feeling very, very enraged. Without thinking twice, Eddie angrily sweeps the medications and computer monitor off the clerk's desk, along with everything that isn't nailed down.

Eddie: "Parker! That little boy scout followed me across the globe!"

Unfortunately, his boss was nearby, and had just witnessed the outrageous stunt Eddie pulled out of lousy self-composure. She makes a stern face of disapproval, as Eddie regrettably opens his eyes to the atrocious example he must've displayed as an employee.

Eddie: "Oh geez, I-I didn't mean to, I-I just, I just got this call a-a-and I lost my temper and-"

Pharmacist: "Mr. Brock, you can explain this sudden outburst to me in my office, after you grab a broom and clean up this mess!"

Eddie: "Yes ma'am. This is coming out of my pay, isn't it?"

Pharmacist: "You bet your sorry bum it is."

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