Fooling Around in Biology

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Peter enters Professor Warren's Biology class and takes his seat next to Gwen Stacy. Flash shoots Parker a dirty look from the row behind him, making Pete look away anxiously. Paranoid, he converses with Gwen to distract him.

Peter: "Hey Gwen. How's Harry holding up?"

Gwen: "He's fine, but he's staying home for a while."

Peter: "He's at home, alone?! With all that Globulin Green?! W-What if he-"

Gwen: "He's not going to drink it; Harry threw that stuff out. I was there when he did it."

Parker's relieved, for he knows that Globulin Green, the OsCorp experimental formula, was what Harry's father, Mr. Osborn used to become the Goblin six months ago. Peter couldn't bear to fathom the thought of his best friend consuming and getting wasted on the substance again, and having to pay another visit to the rehabilitation center in Europe, or even worse, becoming a Green Goblin Jr. However, Pete's focus shifts away from those haunting possibilities as soon as his teacher, Professor Warren, enters the classroom and begins writing on the chalkboard. So, Pete engages in the lesson to brush the thought of Harry following his dad's footsteps off his mind.

Prof. Warren: "Alright class, welcome back to Monday. Today we will be learning about the differences between Mitosis and Meiosis. Please pay attention because this will be on the test. Now as you can see, Mitosis is the process of chromosomes dividing in the nucleus of a eukaryotic cell, which results in the production of two daughter cells. While Meiosis, on the other hand, is when the division equals double the amount of daughter cells created-"

As Mr. Warren's dialogue fades into inaudibility, Flash chews up some paper, puts a straw in his mouth, and aims to fire some spitballs at Parker. Lucky for Pete, he gets another Spider-Sense warning, so he swiftly moves around in his chair, dodging the spitballs. The ammunition instead ends up hitting the back of Prof. Warren's lab coat, who obliviously keeps the session going.

Gwen: (Whispers) "Nice reflexes, Pete."

Peter: "Heh, thanks. (In his head) "Ugh, come on Pete, just take it, you got nothing to lose, except for your dignity of course."

Flash gives the spitballing another shot, and this time Peter willingly takes the harassment, to prevent others from suspecting he's Spider-Man. In the background, Kenny Kong can't help but snicker like a man-child, but ends up disrupting the teacher's focus.

Prof. Warren: "Class, care to explain what is so funny?"

Kenny: "Heh heh, nothing Teach."

Prof. Warren: "Hmmm, alright? Let us try to act more mature everyone. Anyway, as I was saying..."

Mr. Warren continues the lecture with spitballs stuck to his coat, while Parker lies his head on his table, feeling like Flash's sorry little doormat.

Peter: (In his head) "I so gotta get outta here."

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