The Eiffel Tower Convergence

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It's 8 o'clock, and Ladybug and Cat Noir are sitting on the intermediate platform of the Eiffel Tower, fiddling with their weapons, while awaiting Spider-Man's arrival.

Cat Noir: "Shouldn't he be here by now?"

Ladybug: "He's supposed to. I specifically told him to meet us here at the Eiffel Tower at eight."

Cat Noir: "He couldn't have gotten lost. How could anyone miss the symbol of Paris?"

Unexpectedly, Spider-Man appears behind the two heroes, hanging upside down from his web.

Spider-Man: "No kidding, this baby's a sight for sore eyes."

Spidey says, startling the duo.

Ladybug: "Speak of the devil."

Spider-Man: "Told you lovebirds not to leave me hangin'. Heh, get it?"

Ladybug: "Oh no, me and him are not a couple; just partners."

As Ladybug denies Spidey's assumption, Cat Noir acts all flirtatious, trying to encourage Spider-Man's assumption, irking his partner in the process.

Cat Noir: "We could be lovebirds, but Bugaboo here keeps playing hard to get."

Ladybug: "Cat! I told you not to call me that!"

Spider-Man: "Do you two need a moment?"

Ladybug: "NO!"

Spider-Man: "Ok, ok, sorry, my bad. Didn't mean to-"

Spidey says all defensively. However, Ladybug regains her temper, realizing that the Web-Head doesn't deserve such a response, especially not after that ugly confrontation.

Ladybug: "No, I should be sorry. We got off on the wrong foot, so allow us to properly introduce ourselves. I'm Ladybug."

Cat Noir: "And I'm Cat Noir."

The Bug and Cat duo offers Spider-Man a handshake, which he accepts, despite their first encounter.

Spider-Man: "Spider-Man, from America. The folks back home call me Spidey."

Ladybug: "Nice to meet you Spidey. We're sorry for attacking you earlier."

Cat Noir: "We thought you were a supervillain."

Spider-Man: "It's fine, I don't blame you. Guess the mask is a bit misleading."

Cat Noir: "The way you took on those burglars in that alley was awesome. You must be a natural.

Spider-Man: "Nothing to it. By the way, I looked you both up on that LadyBlog website, so at least I know you two aren't threats either."

Ladybug: "So, you would you be ok with telling us more about yourself, would you?"

Spider-Man: "Why? Still don't trust your friendly neighborhood Spider-Man?"

Cat Noir: "It's nothing personal, we've just never met a superhero like you before. What's your superpower?"

Ladybug: "Do you have a Miraculous of your own?"

Spider-Man: "Um, no."

Spidey takes off his glove to reveal the spider bite scar on his hand.

Spider-Man: "Actually, I was bitten by some radioactive spider. Then it's venom genetically modified my DNA, giving me enhanced speed, strength, endurance, self-healing, etcetera etcetera."

Ladybug: "Wow, all from one little bug bite?"

Spider-Man: "The whole package. You've seen most of them, but I can also shoot these strong durable spiderwebs out of my wrists."

Spider-Man fires his Web-Shooters in random directions to display his powers. Then, the Human-Spider jumps and sticks to one of the Eiffel Tower bars to crawl around as a further demonstration.

Spider-Man: "I can stick to walls; thus granting me these spectacular wall-crawling abilities."

Ladybug: "Impressive."

Spider-Man: "And of course, I got me some Spider-Sense."

Cat Noir: "Spider-Sense?"

Spider-Man: "It's like a sixth sense, but more proactive. Basically it helps me react to a potential situation."

Ladybug: "Ohhh, so that's why you're so good at dodging."

Cat Noir: "You have some awesome superpowers."

Spider-Man: "Thanks. But this power, these abilities, they're not just for goofing off or personal gain. Moreso, they're a gift. So last summer, nine months ago, I made choice. I chose to use this power to help people, and live life by one philosophy: With great power comes great responsibility."

Cat Noir: "Wait. If you're from New York, then what're you doing in Paris?"

Spider-Man tries to lie through his hidden teeth, or otherwise be identified as Peter Parker from the Midtown Exchange Program.

Spider-Man: "Oh, just a little... tourism? But it's okay. The US military's wide awake while I'm gone."

Cat Noir: "Hey, does anybody feel a breeze?"

Cat Noir says, feeling a bit chilly. Suddenly, Spider-Man's Spidey-Senses tingle, and the three heroes hear a thunderous lightning crash in the distance, indicating danger.

Ladybug: "Oh no! An Akuma Alert!"

Cat Noir: "Then let's jump into action, M'lady!"

Cat Noir leaps from the Eiffel Tower and extends his staff to travel to the Trocadéro.

Spider-Man: "Hey, mind if I join?"

Ladybug: "A-Are you sure? This is a very dangerous job."

Spider-Man: "Do you know who you're talking to? Danger's just another Tuesday for me."

Ladybug: "Ok, follow us, just be careful."

Ladybug dives from above the tower about forty feet from the ground, propelling her yo-yo at a building to swing across town. Following them, Spider-Man creates himself a slingshot, with the twin strands of webbing tightened against the puddle iron. The tension of the weblines increase as he pulls back to gain enough potential energy to arrive lickety-split.

Spider-Man: "Never fought evil as a trio before. But hey, Spider-Man's open to new experiences. That's what I'm here for, init?"

Spidey lifts off the ground and launches himself from the slingshot at breathtaking velocity.

Spider-Man: "Yeeee-Haw!!!"

The Web-Warrior zips past the duo at blinding speed, before normally swinging downtown.

Ladybug: "Hello fast!"

Hello everyone. Sorry again for being late. I'm still trying to get the ball rolling with my life. Just keep in mind that this year, I'll be updating my fanfic less frequently these days. Thank you for understanding.

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