Thank You

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If you've reached the end of this story. Thank you for reading and giving it a chance. If not, and you just skipped everything all the way at the end... I do that too.

Nina and Lucas was a story that came to be in late 2016, and I posted the first chapter in 2017. The idea was, and you need to know my back story where this story came from, what if redacted came back to school and gave each other a chance? I dated redacted and I thought for an eleven-year-old, it was serious. You could say he was my first boyfriend, but he left at the end of third grade. We dated for four months, lol. But I didn't see him for three years, just like Nina didn't see Lucas for that same amount. When I was in sixth grade I liked another guy and we became close, but nothing came to be. Then redacted came back and I realized I still liked him after having my heart broken by this kid that was just my friend. I tried talking to redacted even though I had a lot of friends and was outgoing and he was very shy and reserved and a little odd--- I still liked him, but the years flew, and I still wondered if I should have tried a little harder.

Don't get me wrong. We were just kids but having that experience, again with him, would have been nice.

So this whole experience that happened to me, I was inspired to write about it. If you know me in real life, you can probably pick up the small truths I've thrown throughout the story.

For the OGs who read the first version of Nina and Lucas, sorry you had to read that! And I hope this second version is satisfying and less messy and cringe... lol.

What's next for "Nina and Lucas"? Well, it's staying on Wattpad, and it's not going anywhere. This story was just for fun and I wanted to see where it took me as a writer. And yes, I plan on posting another story that takes place as Nina and Lucas.

Again. Thank you for reading. This story is very close to my heart and if you love it, recommend it to your reading buddies!

xoxo S.G.

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