Chapter Twenty-Two.

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Choosing her favourite Leia Organa outfit had been quite a difficult task for (Y/n) as, of course, there was nothing wrong with going for the classic white gown look as she would at least be recognizable then. But then she wasn't sure she wanted to wear all white considering the activities of the Fall Festival. So, she narrowed it down to Leia's brown Cloud City outfit and the military uniform. Dean had it quite easy as, depending on what (Y/n) wore, all he would have to do was switch out a black vest for a black jacket. (Y/n) ultimately decided on wearing the military uniform as she got to make a super cute green poncho to go with the look.
(Y/n)'s costume consisted of light blue pants that had a yellow stripe, a khaki-coloured shirt beneath an olive green vest, and a camouflaged poncho with a black belt that could easily be taken off if she got hot, or vice versa if she got cold. Of the costumes she had seen so far variants of Cher Horowitz, casual wear of girls who were saying they were recreating Sailor Moon outfits, and group costumes that weren't even related to media. She encouraged students and teachers alike to participate in the two costume contests going on.
(Y/n) was very amused with the Pumpkin Decorating Contest (judged by Professors Sprout and Flitwick). Some had taken it really seriously and really let their artistic colours fly. Others had gone for the more silly approach, such as cartoonish little monsters or the one that she saw which looked vaguely like Elton John if not for the lack of face. (Y/n) and Padma had taken the artistic route— Padma had done the carving, (Y/n) had done the painting. Their pumpkin was meant to look like Audrey II from Little Shop of Horrors, and (Y/n) was quite proud of how it turned out. (Y/n) mentally mused that decorating a watermelon would have been more fitting for Audrey II, but they would not have been qualified had they brought a carved watermelon.

"(Y/n), (Y/n), (Y/n)!" Ginny hollered as she ran over with a timid Neville and a dancing Luna in tow. "Vote for Snape for the teachers' costume contest."

"Huh? He's wearing one?"

"No. But that's exactly the point of voting for him," Ginny said. "He'll have to wear that pumpkin hat up there and it would be really humbling."

"All right. I will vote for him," (Y/n) said. She was going to vote for Professor Sinistra due to really liking the fact that she wore a belt around her waist that had planets that were rotating around her as though she was the sun. But she supposed voting for Professor Sinistra would also mean she would have to take off her star-patterned witch's hat. (Y/n) was highly amused by the three's group costumes. Luna wore a black spiky dress with large googly eyes, mimicking Soot Spirites; Ginny wore a tan and brown striped sweater with matching cat ears and a tail, mimicking Catbus; And Neville wore a gray sweater with a white stomach and grey ears that looked somewhat like a bunny's.

"What's that smile about?" Ginny asked, raising an eyebrow.

"My Neighbor Totoro?" (Y/n) smiled.

"Luna's idea," Neville nodded.

"May I?" (Y/n) asked, holding up her Polaroid camera with a pleasant grin. The three nodded, moving closer together to be in the picture. There was a short flash and (Y/n) waited for the photo to come out before she started fanning it around in an attempt to get it to develop faster.

"Oh, they dressed up as doxies..." Luna commented, pointing out a trio of girls, whose faces immediately turned into scowls as they seemed to have clearly heard Luna's comment.

"Fairies I think, Luna," Neville said hastily. Ginny tried to not laugh directly in front of the three.

"D-Did you already run into Dean already?" Ginny asked shakily, her sentence interrupted by a brief giggle.

"Yeah, we got pictures," (Y/n) nodded. "He went to the haunted house with Seamus a bit ago. I wonder if the line has died down by now."

"Probably not. It's, like, peak hour, I bet," Ginny said. "What's playing for the movie tonight?" she asked as the four slowly slinked over toward the game booths.

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