rengoku ~ pretty when u cry (smut)

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"y/n san! i'm home!"

you perk up as u hear rengoku open the front door and announce his arrival. u look over and see him standing completely straight and smiling at seemingly nothing.

"welcome home." you watch as he took his shoes and jacket off and wiped his forehead with his arm. "it's hot out!" he huffed and rolled his sleeves up, showing his arms.

you raised ur brows as he ran his hand thru his hair, seeing the visible redness on his cheeks.

it must be really hot out.

you could feel urself start to sweat as u stare at him. "it's kind of hot in here too." you speak in an even tone and touch ur neck with the back of ur hand.

"i can barely tell" he spoke a bit low and opened the fridge, enjoying the coolness from it. he looked around and leaned on the wall beside him. "is there anything to eat?"

you turn around and look at the back of his head. "not really. wanna order something?"

he looks back at you and smiles, he gives you a thumbs up and passionately answered with a yes.

"i'll call!!" he grabbed his phone but u grabbed his wrist and shook ur head. "no. ill order and pay, you worked hard today." you patted his cheek and started to browse some take out places.

he put his phone down and nodded. "thank you." he smiled and sat down.

you looked for a couple minutes longer and decided on a somewhat healthy restaurant since rengoku was pretty strict with his diet and health.

u ordered ur food and gave him ur phone to order as well. once he was done you ordered and paid. the only thing left to do was to wait.

"should be here in 25." u turn ur phone off and lean back onto the couch. "i'm excited."

he nodded. "me too! i'm hungry!"

u raised a brow. "literally when are you not."

"true!" he looked at you and grinned making u blush a little. he was so cute like stop.

after some chatting, time seemed to pass by way too fast and a knock was heard at the door. you got up and quickly took the food, turning around to look at rengoku with an excited smile.

he stood up, also excited, if not more, and sat at the dinner table.

you grinned and leaned on the door. he tilted his head in confusion.

"dogs don't sit at the table, remember?" u raised ur brows, still smiling as rengoku visibly stiffened up.

he stood up and tilted his head down.

"oh, i'm sorry." he walked to the side of the table and kneeled, sitting on the heals of his feet. he looked up at you, waiting.

you walked to the table and sat across from where he was previously sitting. u start taking the food out, the smell making ur mouth water.

u looked down at rengoku. his head was tilted down, he was staring at his hands that rested on his knees. 

he looked good like that.

you took his part of the food and dropped it on the floor, the lid popped off and the food bounced out of the container.

he flinched slightly and looked up at u with wide eyes.

u raised a brow and he quickly looked back down, deciding it was better to not question your cruelty.

he sat still as he realized he had no utensils. he sneaked a glance at you. you were opening the plastic wrapping around the plastic utensils that came with the food.

you had no intention to give him any.

he put his hands beside the container and leaned over it. he ate his food with nothing but his mouth.

you saw movement in the corner of ur eye and look down at him. u watched as he ate like a real dog and couldn't help but let out a muffled laugh.

he stiffened up and looked at you.

u looked at his eyes, your brows furrowed as u struggled to stop smiling. his face was messy and flushed red. he was clearly very embarrassed, avoiding looking at you when u stared right back at him.

you pushed the container closer to him with ur foot. "eat it all"

he pursed his lips and continued looking at you. his eyes pleading you for something. you tilted ur head. "what?"

he looked to the side before speaking. "may i have some water?"

u leaned ur head on ur hand and sighed. u stood up and got him a bowl of water. he watched you place the bowl in front of him, u stood still, watching him.

he looked at you and then to the water. "thank you very much." he then leaned over and lapped at the water.

u kneeled and pet his head.

once he was satisfied he lifted his head. you kept ur hand on him and smiled. his eyes widened as he felt u roughly push his head down.

he quickly held his breathe, his face scrunched up as it was dunked in the bowl of water. you let go after a second or two.

he jolted up and took some breathes. his hair was dripping and his clothes were getting wet now.

he looked at you with big, shocked eyes as he panted.

u squished his cheeks. "cute" u pinched him and sat at the table again. u finally started to eat.

rengoku wiped his face with his shirt and pushed the bowl of water to the side where he couldn't be drowned.

he moved his hair from his face and started to eat again, making sure to finish it all like u said.

he finished quickly and sat, wondering what u were up to in his spare time.

u notice he's finished while u still have half of your meal left. he was a fast eater. u rested ur head on ur hand and moved ur foot to his thigh.

he looked up at u and tilted his head.

"sit towards me."

he did as u told him and stared at you. his face pink. you moved ur foot to his crotch, taking bites of ur food as u start to put some pressure.

he stiffened up and looked down at ur foot with big eyes. he balled his hands up into fists, his knuckles turning white. u smiled slyly as u sucked on ur fork.

"i'm kind of worked up." u spoke lowly.

he quickly looked at you, his face red and his lips pulled up in a nervous smile. "i can tell!"

you looked bored. maybe even upset.

"f-feel free to take it out on me!" he gave a closed eye smile.

you looked at his thighs and saw the bulge in his pants. the fact that he was turned on kind of pissed you off.

you stood up and crouched in front of him. you grabbed a fist full of his hair and pulled it up, tilting his head. his face scrunched up as he yelped.

you leaned onto ur knees and kissed him. he put his hands on ur shoulders as you made out with him. he moaned quietly and leaned back.

you pushed his chest so he would lay down and straddled his waist. ur hands snuck down his stomach and up his shirt, ur hands were cold and he was incredibly warm.

you backed away and watched as he panted underneath you. u squished his cheeks with ur hand and smiled.

"i will gladly take it out on you."

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