Chapter 2

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She was fixing her things when she heard a knock on her door, she opened it and saw Captain Vangeance standing outside and she saluted him "Captain!" he chuckles "I just want to congratulate you, Astrid" she smiled at him "Thank you Captain and thank you for choosing me too" Vangeance nodded before he turned around.

She followed him with look, he really is intimidating but unlike the other Captains he has more calm Aura, she closes the door and smiled.

She wrote letter for her family

'To my Dearest,

Hi mom it's me Astrid! I made it! I got passed to the examination and currently on the most powerful squad! The Golden Dawn, I chose them because I know Captain Vangeance can help me to grow in balance environment unlike the other squads where the Captains are too intimidating.

Captain Nozel talked with me earlier and I can see how disappointed he is but still, I just want the best for me.

Please take care of yourself and papa as well

Your beloved Daughter,

She put the letter to the envelope.

In the morning, she wore her uniform and went outside of her room, she looked for Klaus "Good morning" she gasped and turned around "Oh Good Morning, Captain!" she smiled at him and he nodded.

William and Klaus watched as Astrid training on her own and in the distance Yuno was silently watching her from the corner Magic creation..." she flipped the pages of her grimoire "Dancing ice fairy" she smoothly waved her hand and twirled like a ballerina before she let out a strong wave of ice, Yuno gasped "Have you seen that Yuno-san?" Astrid smiled at him "That's impressive, would you like to have spar with me?" she gasped "Uh hahaha I Don't think that's a good idea..." she feel tense considering Yuno was holding the four leaf clover "Why? come on it just a friendly training!" she smiled and took a deep breath "Alright! come on!" they walked towards far side.

Astrid was a bit tense, she took a deep breath "Get ready Astrid" She cleared her throat and waited for him to attack, she gasped when out of nowhere he attacked her but she was able to dodge it, she immediately flipped the pages of her grimoire "Magic creation: Snow warrior" she created bunch of soldier made of snow but Yuno uses his Towering tornado and spins all those soldiers, Astrid moves immediately as she saw the tornado moving towards her "Heh" Yuno was surprised a bit when he saw her right on front of him.

"She's good at manipulating her magic! that's impressive" Klaus commented, William just watched the two as they continue exchanging attacks "Yuno-san, wanna try something?" Yuno gasped and seems like he understands what Astrid wants "Sure" They both closed their eyes "Magic combination!" They opened their eyes "Snow storm!" William gasped as the wind blow stronger and the area around Yuno and Astrid got frozen.

After awhile, everything became clear and they saw Yuno and Astrid standing on front of each other, Astrid smiled "That was good! I did not expect I will find my partner here" she said, Yuno smiles a little "Let's practice more next time" she nodded.

Astrid decided to walk around the Clover Kingdom since it's her free time "Would you like to buy some?" she looked over to the old lady who was selling grilled purple snakes "Oh" she felt curious to what it is "What's the grandma?" she smiled genuinely, the old woman smiled back "It's a Grilled purple snake! this is good especially whenever you feeling anxious" she tilted her head and being tempted to try on "Astrid" William stopped her hand that was about to grabbed one stick, the old woman opened her eyes slightly "Captain!" Astrid startled a little as she looked on her Captain, he smiled at her "I think there are more better foods around there" she blinked and nodded "Oh haha I guess you're right!" she faced the old woman and smiles "I'm sorry Grandma but I guess I'm not that daring to try your purple snake" the old woman nodded and Astrid left "Let me guess, you ran away from Marx again, right?" William asked while smiling the old lady transformed as Julius "You never failed to amuse me, William" he smiled, William bowed slightly trying not to gain attention from the crowd "Tell me, was that your newest mage? she's pretty amazing!" William felt a sense of pride after Julius praise Astrid "She's truly amazing and I would love to know more about her" he said "Of course you have to!" William nodded and Julius transformed back as old lady.

He follow Astrid and he saw her smiling to the people who's recognizing her uniform, she then brought some foods "Hmm let's see..." he approached her "Why are you are alone?" she turned around and smiled at William "Well, I Don't think someone wants to accompany me haha" she laughed "Oh how about Yuno?" he asked, she shrugged her shoulder "I don't want to bother him, I think he wants to take a rest"  he nodded "Then let me accompany you, there's a nearby tea shop and if you Don't mind I want to have tea with you" she don't hesitate and nodded immediately "Sure!" William motioned her to follow him.

The tea shop was fancy, Astrid never been in this kind of fancy shop! the interior was truly mesmerizing, from the ceiling that was painted with blue and has drawn with clouds, little chandelier that was lined up, the tables are neatly covered by red table cover and the chairs that was made to very excellent type of wood "Come on" William walked towards the empty table close to the corner, she gasped a little when he pulled the chair and motions her to seat down "Thank you, Captain" he gently pushed back the chair when she sat then he went to the other side and sat face to face with her "Good afternoon Sir and Madam, may I take your order?" the waiter approached them, Astrid checked the menu and she almost gasped after seeing the price! "Don't be shy Astrid just tell me what you want, It's my treat" she looked on Vangeance who's currently waiting for her to order, she smiled "Uhm well, I never been here before. I'll order the same as yours" he smiled and nodded, he understands that Astrid was overwhelmed by the place and he doesn't want to make her more uncomfortable so he avoid questions "Alright, please bring us your especially today and two Black teas please" the waiter nodded before he took the menus from them.

"So Astrid, tell me more about yourself just brief summary like where you came from and some family backgrounds and hobbies" she smiled and felt more comfortable "Hmm well I am Astrid, I grew up to the far side of the Forsaken Land, my family was once a wealthy family but then, because of financial problem my family loses their title right before my mother gave birth to me" she took a deep breath "I'm an only child and my only family is my father and mother" he nodded "You know, I grew up on Forsaken Land too" she was a bit surprised because of his revelation "Oh" she bit her lower lips unintentionally "Yes but then King Julius found me and asked me to join his Squad" she smiled "And now you're already a Captain!" he smiled, he loves the fact that she didn't bother to ask why he was thrown to the Forsaken Land "How about your hobbies?" The waiter arrived with their order, she looked down to the dessert that was placed on front of her "Thank you for patiently waiting please do enjoy our especialty for was a flan that will surely going to tickle your taste bud because of it's consistency and flavorful taste" William nodded and thanked the waiter who eventually left "Well..." Astrid looks back on him and smiled "My hobbies are writing, I love writing stories and also, I love exploring different genre of books" he smiled brightly "Hmm I see that was interesting, Do you have favorite genre?" he asked, she nodded and got excited as they were talking about books now "Well, my favorite is feels magical whenever I read romance stories" he nodded "That's amazing!"he took a small scooped on his flan and she did the same, her eyes widened in surprise "Wow! this flan is really great!" she said loudly, the people around them looked on them and she pressed her lips into thin lines "Sorry!" she said as she feel really embarrassed, William laugh a little "That's alright, Don't mind them" she smiled shyly on him before she took a sip on her tea.

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