Chapter 5

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She cleared her throat "Uhm Captain..." he moved a little closer to her "Go on Astrid, I can read that you have something on your mind" she blinked and pressed her lips into a thin line "You've mentioned before that, you lived at Forsaken Land too...m-may I know the reason why? I-I mean you don't have to answer it if it's too personal!" he smiled and out of nowhere he held her hand gently, she gasped and blushed a little "I was sent there by my own family, they tried to disown me" she felt bad for him, she felt like she's more luckier than William because at least her parents never did that "Do you wanna know why?" he asked, she took a deep breath before she shook her head "I'm sorry that you have to go through that Captain but, whatever the reason parents shouldn't do that with their child! also, you don't have to share the other details if it's too personal but..." she squeezed his hand "Is it okay if I give you a hug?" he was surprised and was caught off guard by Astrid's request but then she smiled.

"Of course" she did not waste a second and hugged him "I'm sorry you have to go through that before. Maybe if we have met then I won't let you feel those bad things" she gently caresses his back, for the first time in forever William felt a sincere care from someone aside from his squad, his words were caught to his throat and can't even say anything all he wants right now is to feel her sincere feelings and her warm hug.

Astrid just hugged him and found it awkward if she was just going to let him go but then her body moved itself, she let him go and held both his hands "Thank you for sharing this with me, Captain" he smiled at her, he felt the urge to touch her face but he stopped himself.

They went back at the headquarter, he trained Astrid "Wait! ah hahaha I won't fall for this!" Astrid laughed and he chuckled, Astrid knows that William's World tree magic has an ability to aborb his enemies magic "oh? I won't let you go that easy" he jumps when she attacks him with Icicles, she distance herself from his World tree "Oh" she noticed the roots crawling at the ground towards her "What if..." she looked at William, he is also curious what she will do "No..." she closed her eyes, she knows she can't control her magic very well if she will use it if more than she could "But I have to try..." She whispered to herself, he noticed that she was having trouble deciding but he chose to remain silent until....his eyes widened in surprise when he felt that her magic increased, she closed her eyes and  held the root so tight! "Reinforcement magic: Winter Princess grip!" he was surprised when her hands glow white and in an instant his world tree became white as snow, Astrid stood and ran towards William who was still distracted with that happened to his tree, it's like a slow motion when turn around and saw her right in front of him! she grabbed his arm and sway him down!

He groan when he hit the ground, Astrid ran towards him "Captain!" she kneeled beside him "Oh my! I'm sorry! are you okay, Captain?" she feels really worried about him, he propped up his elbows to get up then he pat Astrid on the shoulder before he smiled "Don't hesitate. Don't hold yourself Astrid, as a Magic knight it's your duty to protect the Clover Kingdom without hesitation" she helped him to get up "What's holding you back?" she looked down "Because I'm not good at controlling my magic. I'm afraid I might end hurting you if I did not hold back earlier" he nodded "I understand and thank you for considering my safety. Next time, please surprise me again" he smiled sincerely and when she looked up it she felt like he was the only person in the world, she smiled back "I will and I will keep practicing so I can do better next time" he looked on his tree, it's pure white and releasing chilly air "Your magic made my tree looks magical" she looked up "I never tried to use that magic before because the first time I did, I almost killed my own Father" he sighed "Maybe because you got scared with your own magic, listen to me Astrid" he faced her again and held her shoulder "You are the master of your magic, Don't let it swallow you"she smiled "I will keep practicing using it" he smiled "Just tell me and I'll help you" she smiled.


"Woah this is quite heavy and it looks real!" she's caressing her tummy that has a fake pregnant tummy on it "Yes it was made to deceive anyone that you are truly a pregnant woman" William held her hand, she noticed that he is not wearing his mask but his scarf and hat covers his face.

They arrived at their destination, everyone was looking at them especially at Yuno "Are you guys new at this town? wait aren't you the magic knight who received the four leaf clover" Yuno nodded and smiled at the elderly who approached him "Yes it was me, I was here to accompany my friends. They are newly wed and looking for a place to stay on" the old woman nodded "I see, hmm hold on a second..."William secretly nodded at Yuno "Ah!" the old lady snapped her finger "I know a place where they can stay but..." she looked at Astrid's tummy "I Don't think it's a good idea for them to stay here, there is a magical beast roaming around and eating pregnant women!" Astrid as if she's truly surprised "S-so the rumors are true?" she asked, Yuno secretly smiled she's a great actress! "Yes it is. What about you guys transfer at Hange Village instead? I think it will be safer for you" The old lady caress her tummy "It seems like your child will be a strong person!" she smiled sweetly "Surely he is!" she caressed her tummy too, William was astonished by the way Astrid acted, she's really caressing her tummy like there was a live baby inside and most of all, her beauty got enhanced, he held her hand "We apologize but we already from Hange Village and I believe the small town is bit crowded for my family so please take us to the place you mentioned" The old woman frowned "You look familiar? have we met before?" she asked, he shook his head "I Don't think we were" she nodded and motioned them to follow her.

She brought them to an abandoned house "The last person who rented this house left after the beast attacked him while he was asleep so make sure your windows are sealed and the doors are locked right before the sun goes down, alright?" William nodded and again the lady smiled at them "I have to go now, have a great night ahead" the old woman left.

William cleared his throat "Yuno, Astrid! great job now, let's get moving" he picked up their things "Ah Captain let me carry mine" he shook his head "The baby is much heavier than this things" Astrid gasped and blushed intensely! "Waaah! stop teasing me Captain!" she covered her face with her hands, Yuno chuckled softly "Yuno! Don't laugh!" she shoute at him, William opened the door while smiling "Come in now Mrs. Vangeance" she turned around slowly while her face became redder "Waaah!" she runs inside.

She took a deep breath calming herself "Calm down Astrid!" she took a deep breath and when she turned around she bumped at William and almost fell at the floor but he caught "Be careful Astrid! pregnant women are sensitive" Yuno teased her, she blinked and regained her composure "Thank you Captain and shut up Yuno!" she squint her eyes at Yuno who just chuckles.

At night, Yuno was rounding with his broom while Astrid was currently at the first floor.

William starts to undress himself to change his sleeping clothes when the door opens suddenly,  Astrid is stunned at the door as she stares at his face, William doesn't know what to do or what to say his heart was being swallowed by fear.

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