Chapter 13

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When William arrived he saw Yuno and Mimosa there, he went down and walked towards them "Captain" Mimosa said and she nudged Yuno, Yuno looked down "What are you guys doing here?" William asked while frowning "We follow Astrid. We know that there's something off and we are right she encountered a very powerful mage from Spade Kingdom" Yuno explained.

Astrid walked towards the cabinet that Trix left, she opened it "Damn" she got one of her swords that Trix was able to steal earlier and then, she walked towards the ice sculpture and touched it, she gasped when she felt that Trix's heart was still beating "Astrid!" William ran towards her, he wasn't able to control himself and he hugged her "Captain" he immediately let her go and noticed her wounds "Is this-" he gasped when she suddenly fell on his shoulder and before she lost her consciousness she smiled "Thank goodness you arrived" she knows that Yuno and Mimosa are both safe now.

William held her and opened his grimoire then using his World tree magic he destroyed the ice sculpture.

Yuno and Mimosa continue their journey towards the dungeon "I can't believe that she tried to protect us. Considering she's a newbie we should be the one who protects her" Mimosa said and bit her lower lips, Yuno was hurt a bit because he feel useless earlier "I want to finish that witch" he said, Mimosa took a deep breath.

Astrid was sent to the medical building and was being take care of "William" William stood and salutes at Julius "Sir, she's currently being healed by some medical enforcement" Julius took a deep breath "What's the delay? is it Freya?" he asked, William looked away "I hate to say this but she caused me so much trouble. Like, she's always around even during my training, causing discomfort with my squad members and she's the reason why I got delayed on assisting Astrid earlier" he looked back at Julius and sigh "I'm not complaining that I was assigned to take care of her but still, I Don't want another incident like this to happen" Julius nodded and at the same time one of the mages came out "Sir I have a bad news, we're trying to heal her wounds but seems like there's a dark magic stopping us" William took a deep breath "What should we do? we can't just let her die!" Julius sense of panic on William's voice "Of course we're not going to let that happen. But first, we have to deactivate the dark magic" William nodded "I think I know someone who can help us" he nodded at Julius "I think we have the same person on mind" he smiled and Julius smiled back.

They went on Black Bulls base but they mentioned that Asta was currently out still they insist that they can wait.

While waiting, William can't help but to have Flash back of how Freya tried to stop him to go...


"She can take care of herself! I Don't want you to go!" Freya shouted as sge hugged William "Stop! I'm still a magic knight as her Captain it's my duty to take care of her!" he tried to remove her arms but she held him tightly "No! No! I will kill myself if you step out of the base!" He forcedly remove her arms and face her "I still have duty to fulfill!" he immediately went out and left.


He clenched his fist, Julius noticed it amd cleared his throat "William are you alright?" William shook his head "I am worried" Julius patted his back, when a portal appeared and Yami stepped out from it he immediately walked towards him "Captain Yami we need Asta" Yami frowned and looked behind him "Oy kid Vangeance needs you" Asta walked out of the portal too carrying a lot of baggage "O-oh! waah!" he got burried on the baggage and Yami smirks, Asta stood and looked at Vangeance and Julius.

They brought him with them, when they entered the room where Astrid is they all looked away immediately because she's naked "Waaaah!" William covered Asta's mouth "Shh I think she's asleep!" Asta nodded, the mage who's currently healing Astrid covered her with blanket "I'm sorry you may look now" William slowly turn around same as the two then they approached her.

Julius squint his eyes and in a blinked of an eye he waved his hand towards the shadow, they all surprised when it got melted "They sent spy shadow with her, Asta you have to slash her with your sword" Asta nodded and immediately picked up his grimoire and get his sword then, he gently pressed it at Astrid's arm.

They all surprised when smokes evaporates and vanished immediately, William held Astrid's hand and he helped the mages to heal her.

After awhile, the mage declared that Astrid was no longer in danger, William decided to bring her back at the base and Julius just let him.

William held Astrid's hand as he looked her with worried "I'm really sorry I came late! I feel like I failed as your partner!" he noticed the ring on her ring finger and frowned, he realized that she always wearing it even before but never had chance to ask her about it, he ignored it and kissed her forehead before he left the room.

He went on Freya's room to talk with her, Freya immediately got up from her bed and ran to William "Will!" she smiled like a kid "I'm here to apologize" he removed her hug and held both of her hands "Freya..." he took a deep breath "I'm sorry for the attitude that I've shown earlier. I know I hurt your feelings but, I want you to know that as a Magic knight Captain I still have duty to fulfill on this Kingdom. I can't prioritize you all the time! Like what happened earlier, one of my most trusted squad member got terribly injured and it was because I got delayed on giving her back up!" Freya looked down and bit her lower lips "You have to understand that if I have to go then it means it's urgent!" she slowly nodded.

Astrid woke up and looked around, her left shoulder still has bandage on it and she walked out of the room.

She slowly walked into the corridor and when she walked past Freya's room, she saw William hugging her so she slowly walked back on her room.

She's disappointed and sad, she felt like he truly forgotten her and there's nothing special between the two of them "He supposedly be here when I woke up" she said as she looked outside her window, she heard the door opened "Astrid!" William slowly walked towards her "Captain" she was about to face him but he hugged her from behind "I'm sorry. Sorry for the delay, if only I was able to get there earlier than you expected maybe you won't be serious injured" He said as he leaned his head on her shoulder "I'm really sorry Astrid" she shook her head "You don't have to feel sorry. I understand you" William took a deep breath and the tears he was holding finally fell "I thought I would lose you! I will throw a berserk and will wash away the whole Spade Kingdom if that happens" She caressed his arms.

They stayed like that for a few minutes, before he led her to the bed "Take a rest, you need to get strong" she smiled and nodded.

Meanwhile, Yuno and Mimosa was able to enter the dungeon "Hmm look! there's a room over there!" Yuno looked over to the space where Sylph was pointing "Mimosa let's go there" Mimosa nodded, they noticed an odd markings on it "Wait look at this! shall we call Captain?" Mimosa asked after seeing Yuno shook his head "Belle, do you know this markings?" Belle looked closely at the marks and gasped "It's an ancient markings! I can't read it properly" Mimosa nodded "We have to go inside" They looked for a key hole but when Yune leaned on the huge rock door it immediately opened.

They both got surprised but decided to went inside, it's ice cold inside and was like frozen for hundred years "It's so cold!" Belle hid on Yuno's cape, he cleared his throat and continued to examined the artifacts inside while Mimosa was looking through the series of books that was there, she carefully picked up one of those books and opened it "Yuno! look!" Yuno put down the lamp he was holding and walk towards Mimosa "What's that?" Yuno checked the book as well and his eyes widened in surprise they continue to read it carefully and every pages surprises them.

Minosa saw a statue with a huge sculpture of a man on it "Who's this?" Yuno took a deep breath and again he tried to read what's written on the plate with it "I really can't read it" he looked ont the book "But based on the information we read...." they looked at each other "We have to call Captain for real" they said in chorus.

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